All Quotes By Tag: Success-quotes
“Think about your future in a positive way and you will move towards your goals”
“Focus is sharp when purpose is clear.”
“Stay Motivated , Stay Learn & have a Change”
“Success is the friend of the communicator and the consensus builder”
“The efforts would always be successful where the two floors would like to be one.”
“Faith does not operate on ultimatums of providing pre-markers to convince you to be courageous on pursuing something; all you have are choices, and its up to you to choose where to invest your faith.”
“Every effective winning strategy is mapped out by focusing on the desired end goal.”
“To prepare for this day took my whole life. All make sense now, all the pain, struggle, difficulties and bad luck that I have survived were the pieces of the puzzle that was needed to reach my ultimate goal.”
“I have finally come to the realisation that nothing is truer than our own manifestation.I mean society sucks, everything is backwards and I am awake in a world alone full of ignorant minds, toxic belief systems and sleeping souls.My mind is a bed of soil for me to plant my seeds, I need to keep my soil healthy.I have to water my seeds with actions and in the warmth of presence day by day, I appreciate watching my plants grow.I am fluid, I am objective and I make noise waking the sleeping souls around me as my garden comes to life.Lead by example.”
“Breakup is never an end of the story. It’s just a beginning. The beginning of your success story. And hence,Breakup= Inspiration to Achieve”
“The taste of success is worthy; when at least one flavor of failure added in it.”
“If you cannot read between the lines that’s already written, you’re probably living the life of a lie.”
“Apology is the last insult to the ignorant mind!”
“Position your value not your price”
“Don’t focus on getting more money, focus on creating more value”