“Achievement is not about ‘doing something.’ Rather, it’s about ‘being someone.”

“Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will. Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.”

“Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will.”

“Anyone can deal with success, but only the wise can learn from failure.”

“Becoming a billionaire is not to make billions of dollars – but affecting lives of a billion people. That’s my goal! ❤️- GS”

“Shrewd branding is when you remind people that you exist by strategically and periodically engaging them on a wide range of topics without asking them to buy anything. If you prove interesting, trust that they’ll look you up. Now I must get back to my steak.”

“A man can never be what does not exist in his mind.”

“Problems are not strangers, they are the true teachers.”

“Life is a game, so never forget to enjoy success as well as failure.”

“Just as the most beautiful rose grows next to painful thorns, so does the most joyful success reside next to the most painful failures.”

“I am hopeful; I see seeds of success germinating with every failure.”

“I shut the windows to all problems and focus on finding the doors to opportunity.”

“You’re looking for success, but it’s not out there. It’s inside you. Be and become successful.”

“We can’t go back to yesterday, but we can triumph in tomorrow”

“To listen be silent, to succeed be persistent”