“If anyone can make a difference in this life, it’s YOU!”

“Academically capable men and women almost never follow a single-minded interest from childhood into careers.”

“Just as the stereotypes of the one-sided academic grind or the obsessed genius are myths for high school valedictorians, also false is the conception of academic achievers as troubled individuals effective only in school.”

“Transformation is not five minutes from now; it’s a present activity. In this moment you can make a different choice, and it’s these small choices and successes that build up over time to help cultivate a healthy self-image and self esteem.”

“As a group, valedictorians have always led well-rounded, socially integrated, ‘normal’ lives.”

“Female valedictorians marry a little later and participate somewhat more heavily in paid work than women in their age group nationally.”

“In their early thirties, the most career-invested women and men in the Illinois Valedictorian Project are those who have found deep personal meaning in vocations. Those qualities and conditions that keep students centered on work are different than those that made them high school valedictorian.”

“To reach the head of the class, students needed to conform to the school system and work equally hard at all subjects.”

“We forget to live while we are too busy making plans how to live our lives.”

“It’s hard to do a really good job on anything you don’t think about in the shower”

“Never measure success by other peoples standards. “Accomplishing YOUR OWN goals gives YOU the right to dictate YOUR own Success.”

“The best judge is the one who knows what is best, and has stand in the same shoes while trying to succeed in the same goal.”

“I have learned this important lesson: no one really knows what he or she is doing. The difference between the people who go for it and the people who don’t? The people who go for it just ignore the fact that they don’t know what they’re doing.”

“Success comes in cans, not cannots.”

“Being the first to start or leave does not necessarily mean that you will be the first to finish or arrive. Or that you will finish or arrive.”