“Why wait? So precious is this life—this gift—this temporary blindness. Burn and drown and embrace the false dark, then grasp the unthinkable height of resulting joy. For in the end, in the light of truth when the flesh is cast off, there is nothing but this.”

“Judged by the normal standards of human affairs, the lives of men and women of God may look overburdened with suffering, and even inconclusive.”

“Suffering is living. Sometimes it is joyful; sometimes it is painful. It depends on your perception. You will not suffer when you are unconscious or dead.”

“Always suffer delusions of grandeur with your art. What you are unable to face will never hurt you”

“They say that “time assuages,”— Time never did assuage; An actual suffering strengthens, As sinews do, with age. Time is a test of trouble, But not a remedy. If such it prove, it prove too There was no malady.”

“And must I then, indeed, Pain, live with youall through my life?-sharing my fire, my bed,Sharing-oh, worst of all things!-the same head?-And, when I feed myself, feeding you too?”

“For many, the search for Jesus is initiated from experiencing an event in life so powerful, it awakens the dragons of faith; from pain so deep, it calls on the hidden fears of the soul in an effort to survive. For others it means a serious personal life survey that ultimately forces the confrontation with the futility, anesthetics, and despair in their lives.”

“I want an infinitely blank book and the rest of time.”

“Suffering usually relates to wanting things to be different from the way they are.”

“Alone, alone, all, all alone, Alone on a wide wide sea! And never a saint took pity on My soul in agony.”

“Is it true, O Christ in heaven, that the highest suffer the most?That the strongest wander furthest and most hopelessly are lost?That the mark of rank in nature is capacity for pain?That the anguish of the singer makes the sweetness of the strain?”

“Emotion, which is suffering, ceases to be suffering as soon as we form a clear and precise picture of it.”

“Les gens éprouvent une grande souffrance, et nous passons tous notre temps à essayer de la refouler. Et quand on refoule une souffrance émotionnelle assez longtemps elle se transforme en souffrance physique.”

“Each of us has his own rhythm of suffering.”

“Don’t look forward to the day you stop suffering, because when it comes you’ll know you’re dead.”