“Of the gnostic so much has been cursorily, as it were, written. We proceed now to the sequel, and must again contemplate faith; for there are some that draw the distinction, that faith has reference to the Son, and knowledge to the Spirit. But it has escaped their notice that, in order to believe truly in the Son, we must believe that He is the Son, and that He came, and how, and for what, and respecting His passion ; and we must know who is the Son of God. Now neither is knowledge without faith, nor faith without knowledge. Nor is the Father without the Son ; for the Son is with the Father. And the Son is the true teacher respecting the Father; and that we may believe in the Son, we must know the Father, with whom also is the Son. Again, in order that we may know the Father, we must believe in the Son, that it is the Son of God who teaches ; for from faith to knowledge by the Son is the Father. And the knowledge of the Son and Father, which is according to the gnostic rule—that which in reality is gnostic—is the attainment and comprehension of the truth by the truth.”

“My secret is public knowledge, and the public’s knowledge is my secret.”

“Worthlessness frequently nullifies humility, because people who feel unworthy generally don’t do anything that leads them to be modest about.”

“მთავარი ის კი არ არის, ადამიანმა რამე იცოდეს, მთავარია, ყველას თავი მოაჩვენო, ვიციო.”

“Truth has its own intrinsic beauty.”

“But the thing about the truth was that once you learned it, it became impossible to unlearn.”

“When you don’t know your rights, you’ll always be wrong.”

“Some of our truths are scarier than our horrors.”

“Later times have laid all the blame upon the Goths and Vandals, but, however unwilling the partizans of the Christian system may be to believe or to acknowledge it, it is nevertheless true, that the age of ignorance commenced with the Christian system.There was more knowledge in the world before that period, than for many centuries afterwards; and as to religious knowledge, the Christian system, as already said, was only another species of mythology; and the mythology to which it succeeded, was a corruption of an ancient system of theism.It is owing to this long interregnum of science, and to no other cause, that we have now to look back through a vast chasm of many hundred years to the respectable characters we call the Ancients. Had the progression of knowledge gone on proportionably with the stock that before existed, that chasm would have been filled up with characters rising superior in knowledge to each other; and those Ancients we now so much admire would have appeared respectably in the background of the scene. But the christian system laid all waste; and if we take our stand about the beginning of the sixteenth century, we look back through that long chasm, to the times of the Ancients, as over a vast sandy desert, in which not a shrub appears to intercept the vision to the fertile hills beyond.”

“A problem cannot be solved without understanding it.”

“It’s not what you look at that matters,It’s what you see.”

“What you tell yourself as the result of abuse is usually worse than the real truth.”

“My childhood was hurtful enough but a church hurt leaves lasting detrimental wounds associated with a place of refuge.”

“The wisest thing to do in order to be happy is to believe & trust in God! Alleluia! Amen!”