“I have never looked upon ease and happiness as ends in themselves – such an ethical basis I call more proper for a herd of swine. The ideals that have lighted me on my way and time after time given me new courage to face live cheerfully, have been Truth, Goodness and Beauty. -Albert Einstein”

“Even friends become enemies if you get what they wanted for themselves. You’re treated like a traitor.”

“Sometimes in life, we do certain things, even if we dislike them, just for the greed of some materialistic gain.”

“Everything that happens in life isn’t negative.”

“A tormented lover always tries to screw the prospects of other lovers.”

“That’s the best thing about Facebook. You can ‘like’ a girl’s photograph and her status message and she likes it too – without even realising that you actually like her.”

“Only an idiot can apologize for being called an idiot!”

“Remorse is like quicksand. The harder you try to redeem yourself, the greater you get pulled into the trench of psychological warfare.”

“History is taught so that we don’t repeat the mistakes committed by the greats of the past.”

“No one has seen Him. Not even those who preach about Him. Yet we believe in Him. When we can so strongly believe in the one that no one has ever seen, then why can’t we believe in the ones that each one of us can see. Your wealth and your incantations don’t have the power to please Him. You cannot reach out to Him. But He can. Sincerely atone for your sins and rise above your flaws. And He shall seek you. Be good to those who are in distress. Be their hero. And god, the supreme Hero who lives above us all, shall Himself come to you.”

“But what was fortune? She had come to believe it was being exactly the same on the inside as on the outside. What was misfortune but the quality of existing as something, or someone else, inside?”

“It is better to keep your opinions of other people to yourself and not share those feelings with others. There is no reason for you to express your opinion concerning those in power. Mind your own business and keep your opinions to yourself.”

“The wise man will always look past the superficial to what lies beneath. Don’t be satisfied with the outward appearance of things, dig deeper and get to the very core. See things as they truly are, not as people would have you see them.”

“Actions are the true words of the heart.”

“Say everything knowing that it’s probably going to be repeated again.”