All Quotes By Tag: Truth
“Say everything knowing that it’s probably going to be repeated again.”
“Though I am a well rounded individual, I can be as sharp as a square.”
“Your reality can be anything that you can convince your mind to believe.”
“Who you are behind closed doors is your true character.”
“I started smoking cannabis and drinking alcohol for the same reason I would sometimes tell self aggrandizing lies; I was wanting in courage. The only intimacy I could find was through drinking, smoking, lying and taking short cuts. A good brain needs the courage to maintain it’s health, and if you don’t have courage, you fall prey to a type of intimacy that gradually degrades not only the brain, but it degrades the meaning of friendship.”
“Your mind drinks up whatever YOU pour into it. Pour hope. Pour truth. Pour love. Pour happiness.”
“I laid in darkness, in bed with the same song on repeat for hours. I wasn’t sad. I was happy because that’s what happiness was to me.”
“Truth is a sport, and winner takes it all.”
“God is commonly known as the highest form of intelligence, truth, love and wisdom.”
“To be vulnerable is to heal yourself … just as much as it is to heal others.”
“yeah, well,” Miller said, “Say what you will about organized crime, at least it’s organized.”
“We destroy in assumptionsBut we do not build in possibilities”
“You can’t use your mind to understand your own mind.”
“The Circle of Friendships are those who help illuminate the darker sides of the road. They are the ones who will remain in the shadows with us in our greatest accomplishments, as well as our deepest fears.”
“Truth has her sterner responsibilities sooner or later in store for those who have known anything about her.”