“The TRUTH will STAND—and a LIE will FALL.”

“The TRUTH will STAND—and—a LIE will FALL.”

“I’ve realized people can live in a world they’ve personally constructed through a distorted lens of guilt and shame, whether they deserve it or not.”

“Saying the “right” things is always the “liked” thing.”

“Sometimes it takes more courage to believe in what you can’t see.” she said quietly, and then looked into his dark blue eyes. “Because anyone can believe in what’s already been proven.Grace Willows- Not a Ghost of a Chance Copyright © 2018 by Grace Willows”

“Sometimes it takes more courage to believe in what you can’t see.” she said quietly, and then looked into his dark blue eyes. “Because anyone can believe in what’s already been proven”.Grace Willows- Not a Ghost of a Chance”

“Stop accepting invitations to dine at tables where the condition for being seated is that your dignity be left behind. You know that you deserve better!”

“We cannot do for others what they’re unwilling to do for themselves.”

“People make their own realities. they paint the truth as they want it to be, regardless of fact. for those who want to believe, no proof is ever required. for those who refuse to believe, no proof is ever enough”

“Believe in your own wonder.”

“Time is the most valuable currency that we have, and yet it is the one that we waste the most.”

“The birth of a great idea comes through you, not from you.”

“It’s humbling to think how little we contribute to our own ideas.”

“That there is no truth and untruth. Is that the wisdom you gained?’ Sita asked sarcastically.‘Truth does not remain the same forever but keeps changing continuously—that is the wisdom I earned.”

“Truth and Wisdom are always attractive and beautiful even when they are not attractive and beautiful, or mankind would not be seeking them so much despite the harsh reality they portrayed at times.”