“But perhaps there are in us forces other than mind and heart, other even than the senses – mysterious forces which take hold of us in the moments when the others are asleep; and perhaps it was such forces that Melchior had found in the depths of those pale eyes which had looked at him so timidly one evening when he had accosted the girl on the bank of the river, and had sat down beside her in the reeds – without knowing why – and had given her his hand.”

“While wisdom dictates the need for education, education does not necessarily make one wise.”

“Snobbery might sometimes look cool, like smoking, but the end result is usually a repelling one.”

“Wisdom doesn’t automatically come with old age.Nothing does — except wrinkles.It’s true,some wines improves with age.But only if the grapes were good in the first place”

“I thought about the difference between a mama’s girl and a daddy’s girl. I decided that a daughter who belongs to her daddy expects gifts, while a daughter who belongs to her mama expects a lot more. Not from her mama. From herself.”

“There is no greater power than the one others do not believe you possess.”

“Marriage without struggle is like an unfired clay pot.It is easily made, but it will not stand the test of time.”

“The only way you would have failed,” she said, “is if you had.”

“You don’t always need to know your destination when you set out on a journey.”

“Physical strength doesn’t mean a damn thing when you’re all cut up and bleeding inside. ”

“He that reads and grows no wiser seldom suspects his own deficiency, but complains of hard words and obscure sentences, and asks why books are written which cannot be understood.”

“Basically, being alive means keeping yourself ready for the sky to fall in on you at any time. If you start from the assumption that existence is only an ordeal, a test we have to pass, then you’re equipped to deal with its sorrows and its surprises. If you persist in expecting it to give you something it can’t give, that just proves that you haven’t understood anything. Take things as they come; don’t turn them into a drama. You’re not piloting the ship, you’re following the course of your destiny.”

“Love between man and woman cannot be built without sacrifices and self-denial.”

“MOMWholeheartedly,She loved me-And inspired me-With transcending devotion.It was a blessing-To have been her son,To have been loved-Without conditions.Her words of wisdom-Opened my eyes-To the world-And to myself.By seeing the best in me, She empowered me.By believing in me, She transformed me.She grew old-And floated away,But her love remains standing-Eternally by my side.”