“The best literature is always a take [in the musical sense]; there is an implicit risk in its execution, a margin of danger that is the pleasure of the flight, of the love, carrying with it a tangible loss but also a total engagement that, on another level, lends the theater its unparalleled imperfection faced with the perfection of film.I don’t want to write anything but takes.”

“When you’re the only sane person, you look like the only insane person.”

“Egykori kedvteléseim során olyan tapasztalatokra tettem szert, amelyek kárpótolnak valamelyest az elveszített gyönyörökért. Valaha azt hittem, s jó pillanataimban néha még ma is azt hiszem, hogy e tapasztalatok révén valamennyi ember létezésében osztozhatom, s hogy ez az együttérzés egyik legbiztosabb módja a halhatatlanságnak. Voltak percek életemben, amikor arra törekedtem, hogy az emberinél többet értsek meg, hogy az úszó embertől magáig a hullámig jussak el….”

“From kindergarten to the valedictory address, schools grade, rank, and label their best performers. The top high school student wins the first major life contest, a competition in which most members of society participate. Following high school, victors enter subsequent contests at an advantage. The race is never restarted.”

“No egoism is so insufferable as the Christian with regard to his soul.”

“Did you know I always thought you were braver than me? Did you ever guess that that was why I was so afraid? It wasn’t that I only loved some of you. But I wondered if you could ever love more than some of me. I knew I’d miss you. But the surprising thing is, you never leave me. I never forget a thing. Every kind of love, it seems, is the only one. It doesn’t happen twice. And I never expected that you could have a broken heart and love with it too, so much that it doesn’t seem broken at all. I know young people look at me and think my youth seems so far away, but it’s all around me, and you’re all around me. Tiger Lily, do you think magic exists if it can be explained? I can explain why I loved you, I can explain the theory of evolution that tells me why mermaids live in Neverland and nowhere else. But it still feels magic. The lost boys all stood at our wedding. Does it seem odd to you that they could have stood at a wedding that wasn’t yours and mine? It does to me. and I’m sorry for it, and for a lot, and I also wouldn’t change it. It is so quiet here. Even with all the trains and the streets and the people. It’s nothing like the jungle. The boys have grown. Everything has grown. Do you think you will ever grow? I hope not. I like to think that even if I change and fade away, some other people won’t. I like to think that one day after I die, at least one small particle of me – of all the particles that will spread everywhere – will float all the way to Neverland, and be part of a flower or something like that, like that poet said, the one that your Tik Tok loved. I like to think that nothing’s final, and that everyone gets to be together even when it looks like they don’t, that it all works out even when all the evidence seems to say something else, that you and I are always young in the woods, and that I’ll see you sometime again, even if it’s not with any kind of eyes I know of or understand. I wouldn’t be surprised if that is the way things go after all – that all things end happy. Even for you and Tik Tok. and for you and me.Always, Your PeterP.S. Please give my love to Tink. She was always such a funny little bug.”

“Years ago we used to have leaders with brains; compassion for people; the guts to stand up for what’s right and just not only for them, but for the whole world.These days all we get are leaders trying to stand up with their egos in their mouths and stubbornness in their actions and words; out to get what they can reap. They don’t care about the normal people! They only care about themselves & their close circle of friends!I’ve only met one or two honest politicians in my fifty odd years, and I’ve read about some, but as for the rest of them……..Well, maybe it’s time that normal people took over.The mums and dads!Young minds with a modicum of compassion for their fellow man!People who will look past religion, race, wealth & greed, caste!People who honestly care about whether their children live or die!People who believe that mankind and the Earth, as a whole, is worth saving!People who will look towards the Earth as our home and not our waste dump.People who stand for friendship and not hatred!People without bigoted views, who are willing to change their mind if they are wrong!If you want to know who these people are, just have a look in the mirror. Ask your kids who theirhero is. Ask them if they want a world without animals. Without food to eat. Without clean water to drink.Without their parents to look after them. Without love to keep them safe.It’s time for a change. I can’t change your views, only you can do that.If you don’t want to do it for yourself, at least do it for your kids.Have a heart! Give your children life!”

“A wise teacher learns in the midst of teaching; a wise student teaches in the midst of learning.”

“The universe wants you to find partnership (purpose/happiness/pleasure/love/peace) with whoever (boy/girl/both/many/yourself) you want in whatever way (emotionally/sexually/intellectually/spiritually) you want.”

“Hearing voices no one else can hear isn’t a good sign, even in the wizarding world.”

“If you can’t do great things, do small things in a great way.”

“Perhaps in his loneliness he had acquired the silent conviction that he was ‘the last’, the one, the only. And, being the last, he ceased to be Benjamin, becoming Israel. And upon his heart had settled the history of five thousand years, no longer remote, but become as the history of his own lifetime. His “I” was the converse of the imperial “We.”

“He saw in happiness the seeds of independence, and in independence the seeds of revolt.”

“Greed and fear rule the market. Share market is common sense and understanding of investor psychology and has nothing to do with head and shoulder patterns nor candlestick patterns or hockey stick chart or cup formation and so on and so forth.”

“why do we personify time? Is it because we’re afraid to admit that our lives are measured by an abstract force that neither knows nor cares about our entry into existence? Or our departure into death? Time is our mysterious master giving it a face and hands we attempt to transform it into our servant.”