“Christmas is a season of outdoor lights, but it is also the season of enlightening the heart and mind.”

“Every person have own beauty but more beauty comes from the personality of a person”

“Josh stared at Kate. She was watching the happy couple, smiling. The warm spring breeze caught her hair and ruffled it like a shining curtain in an open window. It also caught her dress, flipping up the front and giving him an eyeful of long, slender thigh. He could remember planting kisses up that thigh, listening to her sighs as he refused to stop there. She looked ravishing, and all of a sudden he felt a surge of naughtiness, like a schoolboy passing an open box of sweets.He walked up to her, holding a handful of confetti. Slowly he pulled the front of her dress forward and stuffed the paper in the bodice, his fingers lingering against her warm, slightly damp skin. Then he patted the red satin carefully flat. Probably for slightly longer than was necessary.”

“Within, the only place where it is created, is the very last place most pursuers of happiness are likely to go.”

“It’s not always easy being her daughter.’ I think,’ she said, ‘sometimes it’s hard no matter whose daughter you are.”

“Even if we try to conform to ideals and strive for perfection, we will always be pulled back to our core identity because it’s the path of least resistance for our souls – an energy force that wants nothing more than for us to honor and accept who we are and discover what we’re meant to do in the world.”

“Forgive yourself before you die. Then forgive others.”

“Mni Wiconi means “water is life”. It’s a historical time in history, where we are facing something dire. Even with the assault on the water, the new hope is the miracle birth of the child.”

“Being christian is about being christ-like, not about being christ-follower.”

“People who write fiction, if they had not taken it up, might have become very successful liars.”

“The true value of a man is not determined by his possession, supposed or real, of Truth, but rather by his sincere exertion to get to the Truth.”

“Your tears are my prayers.”

“Dumbledore will only leave from Hogwarts when there are none loyal to him!”

“I love seashells because when I put one to my ear, I can hear my love calling me.”

“We Irish are the only people in the world who are actually nostalgic about the future.”