“I felt something rise inside me then, a feeling of joy and anticipation so great that it seemed as if this world had briefly stopped turning, like there was just me and the universe and a million good things that could happen if you only hung on in there.”

“We are living in the era of premeditation and the perfect crime. Our criminals are no longer helpless children who could plead love as their excuse. On the contrary, they are adults and the have the perfect alibi: philosophy, which can be used for any purpose – even for transforming murderers into judges.”

“Failing is not the end of the world, but not trying is. I am who I am because I dared to fail and I was willing to learn from my failures.”

“I…have always known that my destiny was, above all, a literary destiny — that bad things and some good things would happen to me, but that, in the long run, all of it would be convertedinto words. Particularly the bad things, since happiness does not need to be transformed: happiness is its own end.”

“He honestly expected her to believe that she could make a bad offering and her ancestors wouldn’t mind.”

“You want to be able to say, for example, “I will know I am successful if these three things happen.”

“Because you have no memory for things that happened ten or twenty years ago, you’re still mouthing the same nonsense as two thousand years ago. Worse, you cling with might and main to such absurdities as ‘race,’ ‘class,’ ‘nation,’ and the obligation to observe a religion and repress your love.”

“The only way to support a revolution is to make your own.”

“Someday you will die, and until you know that, you’re useless to me.”

“To “Move On” does not mean to stop caring, it means I can’t keep everyone happy.To “Move On” is not to cut myself off, it’s the realization I can’t control others.To “Move On” is not to reject, but to accept every change in life graciously.To “Move On” is not to feel powerless, but to accept that the outcome is not in my hands.To “Move On” is not to be protective, but to permit myself to face reality.To “Move On” is not to escape, but to search my own shortcomings and correct them.To “Move On” is not to deny anything, but to take each day as it comes, and cherish it fully.To “Move On” is not to forget the past, but to grow wiser and live for Now.”

“Mom, how do you know if the guy is the guy?”You mean if he’ll be a good husband?” She pauses, then says “The ticket is for the man to love the woman more than she loves him.”Shouldn’t it be equal?”Mom cackles. “It can never be equal.”But what if the woman loves the man more?”A life of hell awaits her. As women, the deck is stacked against us because time is our enemy. We age, while men season. And trust me, there are plenty of women out there looking for a man, and they don’t mind staking a claim on somebody else’s husband, no matter how old, creaky, and deaf they are.”

“Love meant hope. Without love, life held no promise.”

“Slogans are mere wordsuck…”

“when I am feelinglowall i have to do iswatch my catsand mycouragereturns”

“Look for the hidden blessings in difficult situations.”