“Once you understand how powerful you are within, you exponentially increase the power and potentiality of everything outside of you.”

“Obviously, all religions fall far short of their own ideals.”

“I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.(Popular misquote of “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.”)”

“Rejection is a test on how strong you are, not how bad you are. Every rejection should make you to take an action rather than to give up.”

“Time is more than money and other precious things in the universe”

“:D 😀 …”

“I was tired of being me.”

“In a universe of ambiguity, this kind of certainty comes only once, and never again, no matter how many lifetimes you live.”

“He wished someone in the course of history had thought of striking that word and all its derivatives from the English Language – happy, happier, happiest, happiness. What the devil did the words really mean anyway? Why not just the word pleasure, which was far more… well, pleasant.”

“But I do know we’re deficient in some way. We are too involved in materialistic things, and they don’t satisfy us. The loving relationships we have, the universe around us, we take these things for granted.”

“My destination is no longer a place, rather a new way of seeing.”

“Live in a way that is worth Christ dying for.”

“Start shaping your own day. Start walking your own walk. This journey is yours, take charge of it. Stop giving other people the power to shape your life.”

“To make a deliberate falsification for personal gain is the last, worst depth to which either scholar or artist can descend in work or life.(Letter to Muriel St. Clare Byrne, 8 September 1935)”

“When you feel down and out you must reach up and out–to Spirit! Our strength will only resonate deep within your souls if you open your heart and minds with us.”