“Believe in those who seek liberation, but not in those who promise liberty.”

“Sometimes it takes more courage to believe in what you can’t see.” she said quietly, and then looked into his dark blue eyes. “Because anyone can believe in what’s already been proven.Grace Willows- Not a Ghost of a Chance Copyright © 2018 by Grace Willows”

“Sometimes it takes more courage to believe in what you can’t see.” she said quietly, and then looked into his dark blue eyes. “Because anyone can believe in what’s already been proven”.Grace Willows- Not a Ghost of a Chance”

“Belief, is hope with an attitude that will not quit.”

“If You Have The Chance, Take A Step, If You Have The Opportunity, Build Your Dream,If You Have The Mind, Take Every Risk,If You Have The Spirit, Hold Your Faith,If You Have The Time, Prove Your Love,If You Have The Strength, Walk Alone, If You Have The Guts, Show Your Result;Truly, The Only Time We Have Is Now..”

“I had survived the vulnerability of childhood, and the danger of first love. There was comfort in knowing that I would never be in either of those positions again, that, from now on, I would be the only person responsible for my own happiness.”

“On some days you will know where you are going. And on some days you will not know where you are going. You have to keep the belief and trust in yourself. And you have to embrace both such types of days in your life!”

“Did not learned men, too, hold, till within the last twenty-five years, that a flying dragon was an impossible monster? And do we not now know that there are hundreds of them found fossil up and down the world? People call them Pterodactyles: but that is only because they are ashamed to call them flying dragons, after denying so long that flying dragons could exist.”

“If believing were simple, then this world wouldn’t be in the mess that it is today.”

“And then maybe you will understand what it is that I have always believed in and what it is that I have always wanted you to know.”

“We will be able to depart this life with the quiet peace-giving notion, that we were permitted to contribute to the happiness of many who will live after us. In our long lives we endeavored to unfold the collective consciousness. In our lives we have known hell and heaven; the final balance, however, is that we helped pave the way to dynamic harmony in this earthly house. That, I believe, is the meaning of life.”

“Love is not about Romance and sexIt is All about feelings , care and respect for your love”

“At any given moment, your circumstances can change. You may not be where you want to be right now. You may not even be doing what you prefer to do. But, if you change your way of thinking and realize that you have all the opportunities available to you just like each one of us. You can begin to focus on what you want to achieve and make it happen”

“الإيمان الحق نفيض السعادة التافهة”

“Happiness does not come from a job. It comes from knowing what you truly value, and behaving in a way that’s consistent with those beliefs.”