All Quotes By Tag: Death
“The corpse opened his eyes.”
“He wanted to die. He prayed for it. Through the roar in his ears, he begged for it.”
“With that, I took a deep breath and leapt; spreading my arms, pretending I could fly . . .”
“I guess I think differently than most folks. I think the reason the world is a mystical, enchanting place, is because of the cycle of life. My body will decompose, but maybe some little element of it will be transformed into a particle of dirt, over years and years,and then a glorious flower will be nurtured by this particle of dirt. Then this flower will nourish a random bumblebee, who in turn will be eaten by a raven. So, in some future life, I’ll be able to fly. I look forward to that. I’ve always admired the freedom of birds.”
“I could say the world is ending tomorrow, and no one would care. I could say the world will go forever, and no one would care. I could write words, words, words of hope, of love, of humanity, of peace, of pain and the world will still spin to unchanged tomorrows. The human heart balled up as a fist, just grows old clenching to life, to pride and ego, it won’t let go. But the words slip through, as the last pump of blood to a lost web of veins.”
“The destiny of every man is death.”
“Her mouth set. “I’ve already lost one man I loved tonight. I will not lose the other.” She glared at him. “And curse you, you stone head, for making me say it first.”
“When, at the end of their lives, most men look back they will find that they have lived throughout ad interim. They will be surprised to see that the very thing they allowed to slip unnapreciated and unenjoyed by was their life. And so a man, having been duped by hope, dances into the arms of death.”
“How many more times would I have embraced him that night, how many more times would I have kissed him, if I had known the name of that stranger lover who was already in Montreal, who had already bought his stadium ticket from a scalper for the 5,000 tomorrow. That implacable lover who was going to turn Billy’s eyes away from me forever.”
“But those who believe that flowers grow in vases don’t understand anything about literature. The library has now become her first-aid kit, and she’s going to give the children a little of the medicine that helped her recover her smile when she thought she’d lost it forever.”
“Would you guys choose to walk away from possibly the most incredible encounter of your lifetime just because you had to let it go sooner then you wanted? Just because you knew that it would never be?”
“The longer I lived, the longer it would be until I saw him alive again, until I could taste his new lips and run my fingers through his new hair. We could be young and beautiful again . . .”
“In calm cold midwinter, there was a starving hunter,who lost his way in forest,and had no food no shelter,One day he woke of hunger, and started walking faster, he walked for miles and miles,but nothing saw his eyes,He trembled of an anger,his hope forever died,like thirsty bowing flower,the poor hunter cried,He started walking further,then saw a wounded deer, who lied near the river,with so much pain to bear.The deer was also hunted,by hunter like this man,her eyes were getting colder,and filled with so much fear,The hunter felt so pity,of what he saw over there,his sufferings were same as,of which were of the deer,And then they died together,as reached the starving”
“When you dice with Death, you had better hope that you don’t get craps!”
“Sometimes, I fear life more than death ..”