“Happiness is having the freedom to do what you love.”

“To live free is to liberate yourself from all fears….”

“We all deserve to experience genuine happiness and can easily do so.”

“Happiness is something that happy people are always looking to increase or amplify, while those lacking it are always trying to find.”

“When you are angry at someone for being negative, you are also being negative.”

“Freedom is the inherent strength of a compassionate involved in acts of kindness and evolved in a constant training of flexibility. There’s no free spirit in a rigid body as only a mind with open willingness to change cannot get caught in a trap.”

“Don’t be sad dear hearts, don’t burden your precious self with regrets.Everything we do and everyone we meet teaches us a valuable lesson along the way.Every single experience is needed, nothing is a waste of time.Each encounter is teaching us to become stronger, wiser and to have faith in our own soul,Only then every step we take will lead us to peace and freedom.”

“Happiness like unhappiness is a proactive choice. We are free to choose our responses to any situation. The choice is ours. We are really the sum total of the choices we make; the ball is always in our court.”

“In a revolution of consciousness the windows slowly become mirrors. We will see that there was only an illusion of freedom and at the same time we are forced to look at ourselves and contemplate the consequences of our own actions.”

“Different emotions of Love are Believe, Trust, Like, Interest, Feels, Favorite, Thought, care, Blessing, Happiness, Response, Respect, Honest, Kindness, Hope, Forgiveness, Dreams, Pray, Helpful, knowledge, Imagination, Fear, Concentration, Freedom, Understand, Enjoy etc”

“There are two sacrifices one must never make: one’s freedom or one’s happiness.”

“Happiness is oddFound in mysterious placesWhere you least expect itLike a glowing penny on the floorNot everyone can find itAnd sometimes you lose it Some find it in small thingsOthers see it in large thingsIf you cling to itYou’ll make it throughBecauseHappiness is odd”

“Without knowledge you cannot choose wisely. And without wise choice, there is no freedom.”

“At home, I have a poster on my wall of a rose that’s bleeding. Its petals are white, and red liquid oozes from its heart, thick and glistening warm. Only, if you look very close, you can see the droplets are coming from above, where a little girl’s wrist—camouflaged by a cluster of leaves—has been pricked by thorns as she reached inside to catch a monarch.I used to wonder why she risked getting sliced up just to touch a butterfly. But now it makes sense: she wanted those wings so she could fly away, because the pain of trying to reach for them was more tolerable than the pain of staying grounded, wherever she was.Today, I embrace that child’s perfect wisdom. What I wouldn’t give for a set of wings . . .”

“Happy?! I don’t know. But I am free and I am alive. There are those who resent not being seen, and I suppose that our invisibility, compounded by the thousands of people who pass us on the street every day without looking into our eyes, is indeed a symptom of something being wrong with our society. But I do not mind it. I would rather be out of a system designed to enslave me. This is my pilgrimage; like a monk, I have abandoned my old life in search of myself.”