“But of course, in one sense, Dean never died – his existence is superior to such accidents. One must have heroes, which is to say, one must create them. And they become real through our envy, our devotion. It is we who give them their majesty, their power, which ourselves could never possess. And in turn, they give some back. But they are mortal, these heroes, just as we are. They do not last forever. They fade. They vanish. They are surpassed, forgotten – one hears of them no more.”

“… acolo, de-a curmezișul golfului și printre dune, zăcea prietenia lui, păstrîndu-și întreaga vitalitate și realitate, asemenea cadavrului unui tînăr care ar fi rămas îngropat un secol în turbă, conservîndu-și roșeața proaspătă a buzelor.”

“All the pain I put you throughImploded, exploded and demolished youWhat did you do to deserve all thisBut love me, this endlessly broken abyss ?!Now, nothing have I becomeI’ve lost myself and have gone numbAnd here I am wondering How you are and how you’ve beenAre you happy through all the pain?Did you manage to break that chainThe One from which you suffocated When I ended us, unappreciated Has your heart at all mendedFrom all the blows I extended?Do I ever cross your mind?Do you still hate me, after all this time?I am deserving of all of thisOf all the pain and lack of blissI became the reason whyYour glowing eyes still cry and cryI won’t ask for your forgiveness My lack of you is my deepest illnessForgiveness given to me would be a crimeBut even if you did, I wouldn’t give myself mineRegret fills my very essenceMy whole being will miss your presenceI lost my singularity of creationI just wish for you more appreciation Loneliness my bitter friendWe’ll be together until the endA long life of being hollowA continuum of time in endless sorrow”

“All these openings for closeness–all these humans with their disappointments and their desperate hearts, but it’s so much easier, so convenient, to blame emotional distance on a lack of time.”

“People are not cactuses, they need plenty of water and, when talking about friendship, the water is our time.”

“The pursuit of wealth grants no friends. Perhaps, it is a lesson too many strive to learn on their own. One day, I looked at myself in the mirror and found someone much older but with few valuable memories to show for the elapsed time. I was alone. I started drinking. I lost everything. They say that we are all just three steps away from homelessness. They are right. I lost anyone who ever cared for me. I lost my mind. And I lost my money.”“I’m sorry for your losses…” offered Shane genuinely.“Don’t be sorry, kid. I do not regret my homelessness. It has taught me some important lessons. Instead, I regret the approach and decisions I took when I had money. I take pleasure in the small things now. Time is on my side. I do not expect you to understand it, but my life is longer than it was ever before.”

“I could give all to Time except — exceptWhat I myself have held. But why declareThe things forbidden that while the Customs sleptI have crossed to Safety with? For I am There,And what I would not part with I have kept.”

“Back then we gave it our all, we neither lied nor made mistakes, we didn’t fail and didn’t do anything wrong.It’s just that…TIME has passed and changed it all.”

“I was thinking not very long ago about the difference between the people we “grew up” with vs. the people we’re “growing old” with – not always being one and the same – and how time (and the memories we forge together) really does strengthen pretty much all of our relationships/friendships (whether they had started on the right foot or not). And I guess what I’ve mostly learned (by moving to NZ especially) is that the more Significant people you have in your life, the more ‘manageable’ the idea of loss, losing a loved-one, can become – not because you can replace them (obviously you can’t) or because they’re interchangeable (no one is), but because like a foundation to a house the more pillars you have (people you love) holding it up (loving you) the more solid/resilient you become – and from there, I find you’re better equipped to overcome whatever life throws your way. That said time does pass us by very quickly. I find it much more noticeable through our growing kids than ever before.”

“The woman recovering from abuse or other stressful life situations may feel she’s in no way in charge of anything, least of all her own world. She faces the horse with trepidation. The horse senses the fear and becomes tense and concerned. The wise instructor starts small. The woman is handed a soft brush and sent to fuss over the horse. It’s pointed out that if she stands close to the animal, she will be out of range of a well-aimed kick. She is warned to watch for tell-tale signs of fear in herself and the horse. She’s warned to keep her feet out from under the horse’s stomping hoof. They’re both allowed to back away and regroup and try again until they reach an accord regarding personal space. Calm prevails, and within a few minutes, hours or sessions, interaction becomes friendship. It happens almost every time a woman is allowed enough time and space to work through the situation.So a woman whose daily life is overwhelming her learns to step back. Is this a cure for her endless problems? Of course not. Simple is not simplistic.”

“A true friend is one you can go extended periods without seeing or talking to, yet the moment that you are back in touch, it’s like no time has passed at all.”

“Men have no more time to understand anything. They buy ready-made things in the shops. But since there are no shops where you can buy friends, men no longer have any friends.”

“Time doesn’t take away from friendship, nor does separation.”

“Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor.For if they fall, the one will lift up her lover:And three are better than two, for three shall make the circle complete.But woe to her that is alone when she falls; for she hath not another to help her up.”

“She’s into authentic hearts and mind shattering conversations. Good music and quirky art. Weirdness and eccentric people. Love, kindness and genuine souls. She’s into all this and so much more.”