All Quotes By Tag: God
“People will always tell you what they think you should or should not do. But your life is only between you and God. If you have doubts whether what you’re doing is right or wrong, before you make any decision, look up and ask God. You will always know the answer.”
“Please God, be merciful to me!”
“The knowledge of “Where am I going?” comes during the process of implementation and dedication to the task”
“The knowledge of “Where am I going?” sometimes depends on the faithfulness in little things”
“The only obstacle is the absence of the knowledge in our minds of the wisdom of God that is able to move any mountain”
“The wisdom of God and the knowledge of His spiritual principles are accessible to the sons of God”
“When God asks a question, it is always rhetorical.”
“Perfection is just an opinion, but the only way anyone will ever reach perfection is through one ‘man’ who is Jesus Christ. Many have come against him and have passive aggressively felt tall in his imperfections but will forever fall short of his eternal glory. To compare oneself to our God who has given us all life, opportunity, and free will and to use it to gloat over him is a huge mistake that will be paid maybe not in the current life but most definitely in the eternal life. It is much simpler to live up to his standard than to try and forge our own. We are forever changing and yet he has always remained the same.”
“Ukiwa karibu na Mungu utakuwa na maarifa kuliko profesa, Mungu ana maarifa kuliko profesa.”
“The commencement of God’s emanation stars from the physical sheath. Life-power of the emanated God from the body undergoes transformations in His sportive forms in five sheaths or seven plans. Then follows the attainment of the Supreme Knowledge. The Ascent ends here. The Descent starts now and knowledge of ‘I-am-not-but-thou’ prevails.”
“The widespread success of science is too significantan issue to be treated as if it were a happy accident that we arefree to enjoy without enquiring more deeply into why this isthe case. Critical realist achievements of this kind cannot be amatter of logical generality, something that one would expectto be attainable in all possible worlds. Rather, they are an ex-perientially confirmed aspect of the particularity of the worldin which we live and of the kind of beings that we are. Achiev-ing scientific success is a specific ability possessed by human-kind, exercised in the kind of universe that we inhabit. I believethat a full understanding of this remarkable human capacityfor scientific discovery ultimately requires the insight that ourpower in this respect is the gift of the universe’s Creator who,in that ancient and powerful phrase, has made humanity in theimage of God (Genesis 1:26–27).”
“Life is richer than poverty; don’t let poverty give you another definition of life! Life is better than torture; don’t let torture give you another definition of life! Life is more than problems; don’t let problems give you another definition of life! Life is more than despair; don’t let despair give you another definition of life! Life is more than lack; don’t let lack give you another definition of life! Life is richer than riches; don’t let riches give you another definition of life! Life is more than comfort; don’t let comfort give you another definition of life! Life is more than ‘wisdom’; don’t let ‘wisdom’ give you another definition of life! Life must be lived with hope; don’t live life without hope and faith in God! God is more than life; don’t let life give you another definition of God!”
“The whole world reacts negatively to loss. What wrong has loss done? If you ask God if he has any profit or loss, then God would tell you, ‘You are looking at it from an illusory viewpoint, you are seeing ‘relative’ and that is why you see everything as a profit or loss. I see through Real knowledge’.”
“If we seek the knowledge God, all other knowledge will be given to us.”
“The knowledge of God is a sacred pursuit.”