“Unknowing, or agnosia, is not ignorance or absence of knowledge as ordinarily understood, but rather the realization that no finite knowledge can fully know the Infinite One, and that therefore He is only truly to be approached by agnosia, or by that which is beyond and above knowledge.”

“I am pain stricken to say that, various “educational” institutions have adopted the medieval doctrine “fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom” as their motto. Let me tell you this, fear of the Lord, Santa Claus, Krishna, Thor, Hulk or any other imaginary being brings merely the illusion of wisdom, not wisdom. And illusion of wisdom is a billion times more harmful than lack of wisdom.”

“There is only One holy Knowledge, the excellent knowledge of God.”

“If we seek the excellent knowledge of Christ Jesus, we shall be filled with fullness of God.”

“It is better to seek wisdom of God than human.”

“Responsible government is an off shoot of a culture of personal responsibility.”

“When there is no personal responsibility in any society, there cannot be a responsible government.”

“Ignorance is a very useful weapon in the hands of the devil against humanity, especially Christians.”

“There is always a great price to pay for irresponsibility.”

“The price of ignorance is way more than the price we would have paid to acquire knowledge.”

“The price of ignorance is usually a life of frustration and destruction.”

“Do not let the temporal pain of discipline you need to acquire knowledge stop you from acquiring it.”

“Irresponsibility is a sin with a high price tag.”

“God has no business with irresponsible people.”

“The only area of strength for Satan’s rulership is in our area of ignorance.”