“Happiness from the fulfillment of induced desires can only be temporary.”

“If you can’t be happy about everything, then just be happy about something, or some thing. Surely there is one thing in your life, at the very least, that you are happy about— perhaps as simple as being happy you have the ability to read these words and understand the concept proposed.Some people are happy at just being alive. I know I am. It sure beats the alternative.”

“The mind is a powerful force. It can enslave us or empower us. It can plunge us into the depths of misery or take us to the heights of ecstasy. Learn to use the power wisely.”

“A smile is simply sunshine withinthat you just can’t keep to yourself.”

“If you spend your whole life trying to find yourself, you might miss your chance to create the person you’re trying to find.”

“You will find happiness when you are lost in the moment.”

“If you’re concerned with how you look when you smile, you’re doing it wrong.”

“The world is far too lovely to be sad all the time.”

“Life is short. Don’t count the seconds. Enjoy the moments.”

“Live your life like it’s your favorite book, and today is your favorite part.”

“If you don’t sacrifice what you want, what you want will be your sacrifice.”

“Happiness is the art of sacrifice.”

“Happiness is standalone element. It’s not connected to anything. Least of all to power, wealth, fame or material objects.”