“You will find happiness when you are lost in the moment.”

“If you’re concerned with how you look when you smile, you’re doing it wrong.”

“The world is far too lovely to be sad all the time.”

“Life is short. Don’t count the seconds. Enjoy the moments.”

“Live your life like it’s your favorite book, and today is your favorite part.”

“If you don’t sacrifice what you want, what you want will be your sacrifice.”

“Happiness is the art of sacrifice.”

“Happiness is standalone element. It’s not connected to anything. Least of all to power, wealth, fame or material objects.”

“Whether or not you will be happy depends on your determination to reach that outcome. Happinessis not a destination that one just arrives at.”

“True happiness is not found in people, places, or things. It is found in our own hearts.”

“Be the person your dog thinks you are! – JW Stephens”

“Your mind drinks up whatever YOU pour into it. Pour hope. Pour truth. Pour love. Pour happiness.”

“Souls recognize other kindred souls by the way they feel. Not by the way they look. So what’s with all the focus on looks?”