“I’m a lucky person because you are my treasure and your smile is my pot of gold.”

“Every morning is a gift of life – bring some smile on your face and welcome the happiness of life.”

“Happiness Is Not A Destination. Happiness Is A Decision.Decide On The Reality You Want To Live!”

“…the problem is this: how do you measure wellbeing, happiness, tactility, trust, freedom, friendship, awareness, beauty, love, memory and so on? -Ilsa Crawford”

“How to be happy, civilisation’s bait,Is vomited up on every peaceful dayAnd redevoured by dogs.- Easter, 1939”

“Life is tragic for those who have plenty to live on and nothing to live for.”

“My mother was, in the tradition of parents, quite a complicated and contradictory human being. Moralistic but a devout lover of pleasure (food, music, the aesthetics of nature). Deeply religious but seemingly as comforted by singing a secular chanson as by prayer. A lover of the natural world who was visibly anxious every time she left the castle. Fragile, but also though and stubborn. I never knew how many of her oddities had sprung from grief and how many from her own inherent nature. “There is not one blade of grass, there is no colour in this world that is not intended to make us rejoice,” my mother told me once, shortly after arriving in England.”

“The result of external penance and renunciation is worldly life, meaning that one acquires material pleasures and gradually one even attains the path to liberation. However, there is no liberation without Knowledge of the Self (Atma Gnan).”

“There is a greater happiness to be attained, the happiness of enjoying myself to the fullest during the one life I have and accepting myself for who I am.”

“Material goods rarely alter our levels of happiness, unlike emotional experience. Having can never replace being. -Ilsa Crawford”

“Jo era feliç, però feliç és una paraula adulta. No cal preguntar-li a un nen si és feliç, ja es veu. O ho són o no ho són. Els adults parlen de ser feliços perquè en general no ho són. Parlar-ne és com intentar atrapar el vent. És molt més fàcil deixar-lo que t’encalci. Quant a això, no estic d’acord amb els filòsofs. Parlen de coses apassionants però ho fan sense passió. No parleu mai de felicitat amb un filòsof.”

“A daily dose of laughter is just what the comic prescribed.”

“I accept the idea of helping men, and of being cherished by them. I’ve always had that feeling. If I could have my life over I suppose I would have been happiest being someone’s second-in-command. Lieutenant to a really great man – that’s my idea of happiness.”

“I haven’t found the sun but little bits of happiness are always scattered around me like stars”

“No mortal ever knows happiness and good fortune all the way to the end. Each one is born with his bitterness waiting for him.”