“Life changes, so you must hope.”

“We must grow out of this ground surrounding our minds and branch ourselves out into the reality that bears the fruits of heaven”

“Those whom we have culture in common we are meant to carry the beauty of culture into the future so others can benefit from it.To those whom we have interests-hobbies in common we are meant to exchange the love of that interest. We are meant to growing it and nurture it like a parent raises a child so our contribution to that interest can bring inspiration and happiness to all others that come across it. To those whom we have base fears love and humanity in common , we are meant to protect their humanity as if their life is ours because we would expect others to protect and respect our humanity if we are ever vulnerable and in their suffering position. Lastly, those to whom we have blood in common we are meant to come close. For the network of vessels sustaining your body carries the same energy that is in theirs. When their heart is unsteady, you steady it with yours. When their blood runs hot, you cool it with yours. When their heart is at peace you join them and protect that peace at any means necessary.”

“There is no god like God Almighty.”

“Like an artist, a conscious griever makes choices that come from deep within, inviting grief to reveal the healing gift of that particular loss. Grieving consciously creates pathways into deeper self-knowledge, invites an increased ability to be grateful, and encourages connections to loved ones that transcend time and space.”

“As for any of us in crisis, hope is the one thing that’s everything.”

“It’s not about country, it’s about feeling at home inside yourself. It’s not about culture its about sympathizing with our forefather Adam by connecting with our brothers/sisters in humanity to help us return to what he lost, all life is longing for the only source that can never run out or reach a threshold, God.”

“There is no god like God.”

“Human beings are walking containers holding ideas, beliefs, feelings and triggers. Love and fears is the only thing that can over power these systems. Everyone lives in this container as they interact with the world ,and sometimes, a combination of these things can create their own imaginary prison.”

“… Time is not something you give back. The very next moment may be an answer to your prayer. To deny that is to deny the most important part of the future.”“ What’s that?”“Hope.”

“People will say anything to get you to hurt the honest one. Listen to your heart, you will hear something real.”

“We prove ourselves by the way we live, and the way we live resonates among all we know and do.”

“All you must do is say ‘Once there was…’ and let your hoping find the words.”

“Hope. Such a funny, fickle thing. We need a lot of it right now.”

“The power of hope is stronger than any fear.”