All Quotes By Tag: Inspiration
“The time is always right to create the life you want.”
“I am the Richest man on earth because I am the Happiest man on earth. After all, isn’t Happiness the Greatest Wealth in Life?”
“Remember no more your misery, listen to good music.”
“A man needs only his daily bread.”
“When your heart jumps every time your camera locks focus…You’ve become a photographer.”
“Beauty is charm.”
“Man be merciful, for your Maker is merciful.”
“When God wins your heart, He has won it forever.”
“Those who take Risks overcome their Fears and Tears over the Years.”
“ზოგჯერ დავიღლები, დამიდუნდებიან ღონიერი მკლავები, გულიც დამეღლება და საკმარისია დავფიქრდე – გადავცდე მიჯნას ჩვეულებრივს, შევხვდე პოეზიას და სილამაზეს და ქრება დაღლა. ზღაპრული სიჩქარით შუქი ავსებს ჩემს სულს…”
“Inspiration in the wee hours of the morning is the golden ticket”
“Awaken your heart!”
“It’s not that I couldn’t love you moreI loved you in a way I thought you deserved You thought you deserved moreI just didn’t see It”
“Enjoy the Bliss of just Being… Without being dependent on anything!”
“Every good gift comes from God.”