“Don’t let the present pass in sorrow, hoping that the future will be full of Joy.”

“I dream into my future.”

“With his night-cap and his night-shirt tatters,He botches up the loop-holes in the structure of the world.”

“If everyone only gave a fraction of the compassion their hearts are capable of giving… how much suffering could we alleviate in this world?”

“I have never seen as far, than those times I have looked through someone else’s perspective.”

“Is this what I am doing now?Watching the currents, passagesof life around me.I am not looking for books to explainmore with their words, butlistening to poets with their imagery, symbols, listening to my own feelings as Icontinue my pilgrimage in this life,pausing, watching, catching glimpsesof deeper down things.-Deeper Down Things”

“Sometimes the only way forward is to let go and sometimes those things you are forced to let go of are people and places that have been of great significance. Life is painfully uncanny like that, some moments last a lifetime whilst others have an expiry date.”

“A bad dream can ruin your night, but a dream not chased can ruin your life.”

“Trying to explain feelings that are foreign to your heart, make communication daunting, even frightful. How does one express sensations that cower in the corners, fearful they will not be accepted by their inspiration?”

“Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find’…never were any truer words spoken.”

“I don’t compete against other women. To uplift others means I’m never looking down on them. I applaud their strength, and I remind them that we never know how strong we are until we are tested. And this life will test you… But it’s not a competition. I want us all to make it.”

“A tiny bit of brilliance rubs off on you every time you interact with someone brilliant.”

“Put the two of us together and we become like moonlight and fireflies… all burning and glowing and lighting up the night.”

“While you were busy working on your ego, she was busy working on her soul.”

“Your ability to make me feel like I was less than I was, took awhile to recover from. But after ripping my own self worth to shreds for so long, I realized that I wasn’t less just because I was more than your inexperienced hands could handle.”