“Liberty is about being free and is granted by laws and conventions and government permissions. Freedom is about feeling free, and the only permission you need for that is your own.”

“Keep your feet firmly planted on the ground…don’t let your ego run out of control and convince you that you are better than anyone else”

“Never abandon your personal message. No matter what comes your way, remain dedicated to that which you hold close to your heart”

“Being Creative is not a hobbie, it’s a way of life!”

“Yes, you may love them to death, but are they willing to love you to life?”

“We have a lot of opportunities in life but we don’t know how to gain it. Even sadness is an another opportunity to face a new beginning of our life. We need to be sad to know the value of happiness.”

“Each type of knowledge has value; however, from an engineering point of view, practical knowledge seems to be more valuable than theoretical knowledge.”

“Knowledge can be acquired by education, reading, communicating and observing, but also simply by living.”

“Every problem comes with two things – a suffering and a message. The only difference between a winner and loser is which one of those two things he holds on to.”

“When you focus on the now, you won’t become fearful of the future”

“To pacify your external conflicts, you must wage peace, first and foremost, within yourself.”