“If you would command anything, be willing to cause anything.”

“A nadie hagas daño y jamás omitas el bien que puedas hacer.”

“Pórtate con todos como quieras que se portaran contigo.”

“You will have to defy the odds, for you to become extraordinary.”

“Don’t waste the mornings of your life on idleness and laziness, by every means possible wrestle with your passions, your ideas and your dreams. Give it a shot!”

“Chosing a life of Sin and dwelling there will cause God’s covenant with you to be forgotten.”

“It is difficult to see yourself the way others see you.”

“Man will wait for anything as long as it takes for things that he desires and definitely sure about. Patience is what it is called as!”

“Among the difficult things to suppress in the mind is the absolute truths of life!”

“Acquiring knowledge through the centuries has influenced human society more than all other factors.”

“In order to receive a miracle from God, you must first be in a position to need a miracle from God. Appreciate your adversities in advance.”

“When you feel like giving up. Remember that every person gives up when they are 1 second away from their breakthrough and success. They give up when the hardest part is over, and they are about to reach the finish line.”

“We seek excellence before we seek understanding, wisdom before we gain knowledge, success before we understand hardwork; for this reason we need great teachers and leaders.”