“What’s the work for emotion in our life? I’ll say emotion gives the motion in life. If you don’t have emotion, then you will act like robot. You can’t feel anything. But we must feel everything from our mind. If any act doesn’t touch our mind then how could we live?”

“Sometime we fail to differ the diamond from glass piece. We mistakenly miss the diamond which is on the road or under our feet. But we also mistakenly run for the glass piece in the jewelry shop. When we mistakenly buy a glass piece as a diamond with high price then we regret for the life time. What have we done for buying the fake one?”

“People see what they want to see. People say what they like to say. People hear what they always try to listen. People always in busy to put you down or break you down. They won’t give you the courage to go ahead. They always after you and try their best to end you. But never give up. Never let yourself down. You should and must keep it in your mind.”

“If You Forget Meif you forsake meI shall forget you toodon’t take me for the lone redbud that lay barebehind your windowin the gardenwith branches naked,robbed of lifein the dead of winterwaiting once againto embrace springwhich has forsaken it before.”

“Use two-way communication on oral exams to check the students’ knowledge, not their attitudes. Checking attitudes can lead to the slippery area of subjective assessment.”

“In general, people accumulate knowledge gradually over a long period of time. However, there are extraordinary people all around us, who are capable of accumulating impressive amounts of knowledge within a relatively short period of time. Nevertheless, even the greatest genius possesses only a small fraction of all knowledge known by mankind. Finally, the following question arises: how large is all the existing knowledge in comparison to the space of ignorance?”

“Life would be much comfortable if we get what we wish.”

“Dust accumulated on the book has no power to change its story.”

“If someone else notices our qualities and talents, we think those parts of us must be worthwhile. Our potential floats like an island in the sea—uncharted, unexplored. We long for someone to discover us, admire us, colonize us. But why must it be another person? Why can’t you sail that voyage and explore yourself?”

“Make merry while the sun still shines. Jump, laugh, drink, sing and clap. For within seconds, tides may turn and smiles might fade away.”

“If you would command anything, be willing to cause anything.”

“A nadie hagas daño y jamás omitas el bien que puedas hacer.”

“Pórtate con todos como quieras que se portaran contigo.”

“You will have to defy the odds, for you to become extraordinary.”

“Don’t waste the mornings of your life on idleness and laziness, by every means possible wrestle with your passions, your ideas and your dreams. Give it a shot!”