“No matter who you are or what you do, life is going to push you around. You just have to make it push you in the right direction.”

“Sometimes you get caught up in someone’s energy. The energy surrounds you and restricts you, but your own energy is more stronger. You fight a long battle but your energy wins at the end and the other person’s energy dissipates into tiny particles that you brush from your mind. You are finally free.”

“Stand for something. Make your life mean something. Start where you are with what you have. You are enough.”

“Don’t be afraid of your struggles, they are making you dangerously strong and wise. They are preparing you for your superpowers. Let them happen, otherwise you’ll stay in the same damn place you’ve always been, and until you know there is so much more awesomeness in the world and within you, you’ll be content in your tiny cocoon, spinning the same circles day in and day out. Your struggles are transforming you.”

“When happiness pours out of your heart; good pours out into the world.”

“The AwakeningYou live this sheltered lifeglass walls around youin a fragile worldof other people’s imaginationand one daysomething comes and shake you—a book, an ideaa person, a song,or an incident—and it awakens you to lifeand what it means to live reallyand so you know howto savethe only life you are capable of saving—your own”

“Find people who are willing to go with you freely. Stop trying to coach people into your life destiny.”

“How much you achieve in Life is not as important as how much you enjoy each moment of Life.”

“It’s not cash that changes the Nation, Courage can definitely do. If you have that courage then you are a leader.”

“The search for purpose and meaning is fundamentally human; the uniting trait of our species.”

“What you do will only ever be as good as WHY you do it.”

“Purpose is the reason for your rare, precious existence that is useful to others.”

“Life is a journeywith big rocks to climb,little ones to trip over,and milestones to markwhere we have been.”

“You’ll never end up in a museum if you spend your whole life painting fences.”