“The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.”

“Success and failure are relative categories. Therefore, do not exult in victory and do not despair after defeat. Accept the changes in life placidly, knowing that autumn and winter come after summer.”

“Age is neither a limit nor an exception to realize your true potential or the way you want to live your life”

“The magic, grace, growth and wonder of life is that wisdom follows a fall and defeat not from a win.”

“You may not need to do it all, design it all or direct it all. But when it comes to making things you want to happen to happen you may well have to inspire and drive it all.”

“While there may be many things in life you wish to harvest not every seed you plant will grow.”

“Time corrodes beings both physically and mentally.”

“It’s time to have and enjoy magical moments in life, reposition yourself so magic happens.”

“Walk where your heart leads you and you will reach where you truly belong.”

“Don’t wait for the right time to start something… Start NOW!!! Don’t wait for someone to teach you something… Learn YOURSELF!!! If you want something… genuinely… Put your heart in it and TRY ONCE!!! You may fail… But you’ll be satisfied that you tried your best for it!! Be Passionate… Be Dedicated… Conquer your Dreams!!!”

“Don’t let goal setting become heavy weights. Remain flexible and allow room for intuitive changes.”

“I hired a gold medallist from an ivy league that rejected me 20 years ago…success has many dimensions.”

“You need to find out, what you love most from the core of your heart, and for success you need to invest your time and energy on that.”