“I often find that people either underestimate what they know, or overestimate it. Very rarely do they gauge their own knowledge appropriately.”

“Just because you don’t know where you’re going doesn’t mean you’re lost.”

“May all eventually settle in the valley of wisdom.”

“It would be an act of wisdom to depart immediately… but wisdom is itself the product of knowledge; and knowledge, unfortunately, is generally the product of foolish doings. So, to add to my own knowledge and to enhance my wisdom I shall remain another day, to see what occurs.”

“How many times, he wonders, must a person relearn everything he knows, rediscovering it over and over, and how many coverings must be torn away before he’s finally able to truly grasp things, to understand them to the bone? Is a human lifetime long enough? His lifetime, or anyone else’s?”

“Like a tree, let your roots ground you while your branches grow in many different directions with every new experience.”

“Begin to convert your time into knowledge and wisdom”

“There is no knowledge like kindness.”

“It wasn’t right that you could only understand your parents’ pain once you’d experienced the things they had, and by then they were gone.”

“Buddha’s light and wisdom warm me from within.”

“I don’t know everything. No one does, and only the foolish seek to.”

“Asking and not assuming is the beginning of “WISDOM.” You can learn anything just by asking any question. Wisdom begins with constant “QUESTIONING” not assuming what we don’t know. We only come to know what we know, when we ask.”

“[…] I try not to think with my gut. If I’m serious about understanding the world, thinking with anything besides my brain, as tempting as that might be, is likely to get me into trouble. Really, it’s okay to reserve judgement until the evidence is in.”

“It’s when I begin to understand life that I begin to understand so little.”

“When wisdom is passed down through the ages it sometimes misses a generation or two.”