All Quotes By Tag: Life-lessons
“Believe in yourself, Give your best to everything and know that your one failure is not final.”
“If you lose your mind to follow others, you will lose many great things in your life…”
“Time teaches patience, and disappointments reflect hidden truths.”
“What if we were wrong and chased happiness only to find sadness in quest.Maybe it was sadness that had all the comfort in the world.”
“اهذا من كان يسمح لنا باللعب او لا؟ اهذا من كان يقرر ، من يعود لبيته سعيداً او تعسياً؟ كيف سمحت لهذا المتخاذل الفاشل ان يسيطر على مشاعري،على حياتي!”
“yeah, well,” Miller said, “Say what you will about organized crime, at least it’s organized.”
“I am more interested in the insecure transparency in you than the pretentious character. Naked is surreal, it may make you feel vulnerable for a while yet it will take us on a journey worth remembering.”
“She says that everyone can think of three things and that being honest with yourself is more important than being honest with others.”
“Trust the unknown. Trust yourself. Let go of searching for answers and the answers will appear.”
“Farklı hisseden, farklı hassasiyetlere sahip ve farkındalığı güçlenmiş başka bir insan haline geldiğimi biliyorum. Daha iyi bir insan olduğumu iddia edecek cesaretim yok elbette, ama daha mutlu bir insan olduğumu biliyorum, çünkü o buz gibi donuk hayatım için yeni bir anlam buldum, yaşamın kendisinden başka bir sözcükle açıklayamayacağım bir anlam. Ait olduğum kesimin normlarını ve kalıplarını boş bulduğum için artık ne kendimden ne de başkalarından utanıyorum. Onur, suç, günah gibi kavramlar bir anda soğuk, metalsi bir tını kazandı, bunları dehşete kapılmadan telaffuz edemiyorum artık.”
“Remember: Mistake is not for mistake, it is for alteration!”
“The Circle of Friendships are those who help illuminate the darker sides of the road. They are the ones who will remain in the shadows with us in our greatest accomplishments, as well as our deepest fears.”
“Be as Innocent as a Child and as Smart as a Man of the World”
“Choose happiness despite hardship.”
“I’ve realized people can live in a world they’ve personally constructed through a distorted lens of guilt and shame, whether they deserve it or not.”