“If you watch carefully the storms of your life, there you will often see your own mistakes as the architect of these storms!”

“If you’re really a man worth talking about, someone else will say it. If there’s nothing good being said about you, maybe there’s nothing good to say.”

“Life is beautiful, and my words have allowed me to find and revel in that beauty.”

“Your beliefs don’t come out from your life experience. It’s your life experience what comes out from your beliefs. Whatever you believe, it will always be true for your life.”

“هناك أُمور لا تستطيع تغييرها في حياتِك ، و هُناك أمور ستغيّرك رغمًا عَنك ، و ما بين بين، ستظَل تُقاوِم و تدّعي المَعرِفة.”

“Life is just a game of Snakes and Ladders. Learn to befriend the snakes.”

“Everything else in life can be confusing but what is clear is the importance of looking after yourself.”

“ابي كان يقول انه ينام و ضميره مرتاح، لكن سريره لم يكن مريحا على الأطلاق”

“Good ideas can also be bad choices.”

“Only the best players are selected for the game,But life gives equal opportunity to the best and the rest!”

“For me, better is energy-giving, flourishing, stretching, thriving, making progress one step at a time.”

“Whatever is now, only this is life…Learn to live it…Live life!”

“When we’re brave enough to try something else we can often change what we understand to be possible or worth doing, and ultimately who we believe ourselves to be.”

“By acting or performing our way into a new way of thinking, we can sometimes unearth elements of us that we didn’t believe were possible.”

“I thoughtAfter the darkness of nightThere will be brightness of sunBut sun cameWith a promise of nightMay be that’s life!”