“Faith in oneself is greater than any face on earth.”

“Better is about believing you can be – and do – more than you thought. And at the heart of becoming better at anything is the ability to make better choices.”

“One reason the concept of becoming better can scare us is that it requires us to step out of a place that we recognize and have possibly grown comfortable with.”

“Cînd ești cameriste, odată cu trecerea timpului, ai impresia că ești cu totul pierdută și uitată, e ca munca în mină, cel puțin așa e pe coridorul secretarilor, zile întregi nu vezi pe nimeni în afară de cîțiva petenți care se furișează de colo colo, neîndrăznind să ridice privirea, și de celelalte două-trei cameriste, la fel de amărîte de soarta lor.”

“If your thoughts and actions are in sync….Magic happens… success happens…!”

“Face life as you would play a game of chess.”

“Don’t give in to the situation, Do what’s right!”

“Each man knows the plague of his own heart.”

“Find the beautiful;The perfect;The wonderful in life,And then remind yourself that you are part of it;Therein, you are ALL of these things and more.”

“Life can be cruel and hard at times learn to take breaks from everyone and everything. You must in order to save your sanity. It’s your journey and only you will know when that time is upon you.”

“In order to receive a miracle from God, you must first be in a position to need a miracle from God. Appreciate your adversities in advance.”

“Many people turn back on the road of life just because they mistakenly think that the road ends!”

“It’s easier to face the camera than life. As in the former the script is known.”

“You gain much more from your enemies than friends.”