All Quotes By Tag: Poetry
“Out beyond the ideas of Life and Death, there lives a poet trying to find the world between the breaths. With each Inhale he writes the songs of life and with each exhale he lets it out like a death.”
“Everything we hold will soon elapse,as we’ll sleep through one dreamless night;but rising again to this dream, whether we’ll behiding behind our darkness or this borrowed light?- Thou little fool”
“Pressure knocks at my doorA clock ticks and demands its dueThe lava burns from the floorBut not in a game like it used to.So little time to figure it all outSo many distractions to prevent successI’m in a dark forest with no path or routeBut this internal fire knows no rest.”
“Souls of love breathlessly sailTowards our time when hours failTo cope with longing here we areChasing the speed of a falling starMiles and miles fleetly we goDown to the ocean, deeper the flowWaves now know their crushing tide Splashing between joy and pride”
“There are those times when you need to push negative people aside, give fear a swift kick in the ass and fire up your dreams.”
“Don’t be afraid to wake up your dream… give it a hard nudge, a toss of cold water… make it leap, make it fly. Dreams won’t come to life without action.”
“I don’t make much of a living, but I do live much of a making.”
“I once took all my journalsfrom 3 years and burned themin a fire. Alone,watching the past disintegratereminded me of life and time. The presentis all I had. Time slowly burningaway each moment.”
“People drink democracy in a glass of teabut night falls, again.”
“The language of a river inscribesover eyes of moths and fliesthe navel of the land is a lake.”
“كان ينبغي لي أن أمتنع. كان ينبغي لي أن أصمت. كان ينبغي لي أن لا أكتفي. أن أقول نعم على مضض. أن أردّد شكراً. وأتمتمها مطولاً. أن لا أحدّق في وجهك طويلاً. أن أدير وجهي بسرعة. أن أرتشف قهوتي ببطأ. أن أنظر داخل الفنجان. وأن أنده “ولكن”.كان ينبغي لي كل هذا كي أحبك. وكي أذهب الى ليلك بقلبٍ صاخب وجسدٍ يرقص، كان ينبغي لي أيضاً أن أعيد ترتيب الوقت على طريقتي.”
“She followed slowly and she needed time,as though some long ascent were not yet by;and yet: as though, when she had ceased to climb,she would no longer merely walk, but fly.”
“I’ve lost you again, Time. I will never win this game of hide and seek.”
“Abortive time: unwilling to tarryDaylight begins to hide into the heatHis moonless night desires to be starryThose lame knees want to break down on his feetFrom the poem Sonnet For A Man (Part I)”
“Sunrise, Grand Canyon We stand on the edge, the fallInto depth, the ascentOf light revelatory, the canyon walls movingUp out ofShadow, litColors of the layers cuttingDown through darkness, sunrise as itPasses aPrecipitate of the river, its burnt tangerineFlare brief, jaggedBleeding above the far rim for a splitSecond I have imaginedYou here with me, watching day’s onslaught Standing in your bones-they seemImplied in the record almostBy chance- fossil remains heldIn abundance in the walls, exposedBy freeze and thaw, beautiful like a theory statingWho we are isCarried forward by the xChromosome down the matrilineal lineRecessive and riverine, you likeMe aberrant and bittersweet…Riding the highColorado Plateau as the opposingContinental plates force it overA mile upward without buckling, smoothTensed, muscular fundament, your bonesYet to be wrapped around mine-This will come later, when I returnTo your place and time…The geologic cross section Of the canyonDroppingFrom where I stand, hundreds millions of shades of terra cotta, of copperManganese and rust, the many varieties of stone-Silt, sand, and slate, even “greenRiver rock…”my body voicing its immenseGenetic imperatives, human geology falling awayInto aDepth i am still unprepared forThe canyon cutting down to The great unconformity, a layer So named by the lack Of any fossil evidence to hypothesizeAbout and date suchA remote time by, at last no possibleRetrospective certainties…John Barton”