“You can never be true to others if you are not true to yourself.”

“It takes tremendous courage to be honest and true to yourself.”

“Love yourself so strongly that nothing can derail you or disturbed your peace.”

“Fue adondo a mi me perdieronquw logre por fin encontrarme?Was it where they lost methat I finally found myself?”

“The only recourse for an escape artist from world affairs is to explore their inner sanctum where hopes, dreams, insecurities, and despair collide.”

“There is no greater life, than to love God. And to love thy neighbor as thyself.”

“Whoever has hope, shall be happy.”

“Self-awareness is the capacity to recognise that you are a separate entity from others”

“If you compete with others, you may not win. If you compete with yourself, you always win by becoming better.”

“How wonderful it is those people that we meet by chance and invite us to live again.The memory of them will keep hope alive forever.”

“If we don’t want to change ourselves, how can we expect progress and abundance?”

“Nothing – I repeat – nothing can become so big an obstruction in your path that you cannot overcome it, for your brain is the most divine and most godly Turing Machine of all times, capable of deeds that humanity is yet to encounter.”

“The Knowledge (Gnan) is itself the absolute Self (Parmatma). Gnan (Knowledge) never becomes agnan (ignorance), but the applied awareness changes and that is what is referred to as agnan (ignorance)!”