“More than nakedness,for there is no cover to take.The fire in your eyesis ringed with water; wide and cool.We are far from the brutal place,but you do not think so.You take my hand and disappear like you were never there, except that I am now somewhere else.”

“We are spirits clad in veils.”

“Laughter with those that understand us is music for the soul. A hug at the right moment and a kind shoulder to lean on,Is the sprinkle of magic that keeps us walking towards hope.”

“Faith changes us – faith in something intrinsically good, something other than ourselves, something bigger than ourselves.”

“We love with all our heart but we also keep our heart light and pliable. It has space. It breathes. It waits on life to give instructions. It sings with sweetness when the winds are soft and warm. It stands with calm patience when the storm is brewing. It lets go when endings have left their irrefutable mark. It moves. It heals. It hopes.”

“A spiritual practice is anything that makes you feel more beautiful inside you.”

“There were so many times along that path when the voice within, felt compelled, to ask me whether my existence had any value; whether my life had any purpose or meaning”

“Be your best self, work your whole life on it. And when you die, you leave the best version of yourself behind.”

“Wise individuals frequently say very little, but what they do say hits the mark. Such remarks often remain in the mind of the recipient for a long time, possibly a lifetime.”

“We love with all our heart, in every way that we can love but the heart is not burdened. We learn to keep it light and pliable. It has space. It breathes. It waits on Life to give instructions. It sings with sweetness when the winds are soft and warm. It stands with calm patience when the storm is brewing. It lets go when death and seeming endings have left their irrefutable mark. It moves. It heals. It hopes. It allows Life to be lived in the safe, fertile, and still inner space where it grows stronger and more compelling every day.”

“We do not engage in idle or intentional gossip which undermines someone else’s integrity or which spreads the seeds of fear by talking unthinkingly about illness, disasters, and all the other fears which run rampant in the world.”

“It is useful to study different traditions in order to be free of attachment to any one way of expressing what is beyond expression. (x)”

“Whoever is full of wisdom is naturally compassionate; in fact we recognize that someone has gained spiritual wisdom by seeing their compassionate behavior. . . . Individuals and countries with power need to develop wisdom and compassion, for without these attributes, there is a danger that the power will be used to oppress and exploit others. (31)”