“It’s impossible to fail if one doesn’t know how the end should look. And it’s impossible to succeed. But it’s possible to enjoy.”

“[On his success] It’s mad and bananas and amazing, but I can handle it for the simple reason that it genuinely feels like it’s not real. You know when you go to a fancy dress party and everyone looks incredible and there are crazy things hanging from the ceiling? For about five hours or so, you enter into another world and then, when you come out of it, you are sitting at home with a cup of tea and a biscuit and you’re thinking to yourself, “Well, that was weird. Fun, but weird.” That’s exactly what it feels like… Truly, everything that has happened to me has been beyond any reasonable expectations that I may have had.”

“Success is no guarantee of happiness. The only guarantee of happiness is happiness.”

“He fulfilled in all emergencies those three conditions which united ought to insure human success—activity of mind and body, impetuous wishes, and powerful will.”

“Only be productive if you are in the right mental, physical and emotional space to do so. If you are sick, quit trying to make things happen.”

“Behind every successful man, there is a woman; and behind her there is envy…”

“A life lived well will have failures that outnumber successes, but successes that outweigh the failures.”

“You have enemies the moment you have success. Our job is finding a way to do business with them. Everyone wants something.”

“There is no mystery about failure, but success on the other hand is full of mystery; therefore, you must keep trying and learn from your mistakes because I, or anyone else for that matter, can’t give you a quick success formula.”

“No doubt success is an important goal, but adding value should be your utmost objective because many successful people are around but only a few of them add real value.”

“Do not beat yourself up for what you did or did not do. That will only bruise you and break you and make you less able to live the life you want. You can’t change the past, and you can’t control the future, but you can sure as hell contribute to the quality of your today.”

“You can’t change the past, and you can’t control the future, but you can sure as hell contribute to the quality of your today.”

“Deep breath. Positive thought. Firm resolve. Now go out there and grab that dream with your name already on it.”

“The original meaning of the word resolution means to “break into parts.” Think about that as you make your New Year’s resolutions. Break the big ones down. Break the little ones down. Every step is a victory. Don’t you dare wait until the finish line to celebrate. Life happens along the journey, not just at the finish line.”