Min-Quotes: Motivational, Famous and Inspirational Quotes Collection
“T]hey had killed him. […] Murdered him, except he would not die. Would not die, he vowed, because he would live to kill his killers.”
“I often wonder if the recipe for happiness is sugar, flour, eggs, vanilla, and butter.”
“Do try to remember this: even the world’s not so black as it is painted”-Valerie to Stephen (pg. 408)”
“We fell in love, despite our differences, and once we did, something rare and beautiful was created. For me, love like that has only happened once, and that’s why every minute we spent together has been seared in my memory. I’ll never forget a single moment of it.”
“It’s when we realize that each of us can fly that we become angels.”
“I only want to write. And there’s no college for that except life.”
“A woman’s happiness is in throwing everything away to live for love.”
“Dexter, I love you so much. So, so much, and I probably always will. I just don’t like you anymore. I’m sorry.”
“Manusia Indonesia tidak jera ditangkap sebagai koruptor, tetapi berpikir besok harus lebih matang strategi korupsinya. Mereka melakukan hal-hal melebihi saran setan dan ajaran iblis, pada saat yang sama bersikap melebihi Tuhan dan Nabi”
“Every detour puts you on the right path for your own success.”
“Who did she know in Raleigh who took the time off to fix a house? Or read Whitman or Eliot, finding images in the mind, thoughts of the spirit? Or hunted dawn from the bow of a canoe? These weren’t the things that drove society, but she felt they shouldn’t be treated as unimportant. They made living worthwhile.”
“At least two important conservative thinkers, Ayn Rand and Leo Strauss, were unbelievers or nonbelievers and in any case contemptuous of Christianity. I have my own differences with both of these savants, but is the Republican Party really prepared to disown such modern intellectuals as it can claim, in favor of a shallow, demagogic and above all sectarian religiosity?Perhaps one could phrase the same question in two further ways. At the last election, the GOP succeeded in increasing its vote among American Jews by an estimated five percentage points. Does it propose to welcome these new adherents or sympathizers by yelling in the tones of that great Democrat bigmouth William Jennings Bryan? By insisting that evolution is ‘only a theory’? By demanding biblical literalism and by proclaiming that the Messiah has already shown himself? If so, it will deserve the punishment for hubris that is already coming its way. (The punishment, in other words, that Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson believed had struck America on Sept. 11, 2001. How can it be that such grotesque characters, calling down divine revenge on the workers in the World Trade Center, are allowed a respectful hearing, or a hearing at all, among patriotic Republicans?).[. . . And Why I’m Most Certainly Not! — The Wall Street Journal, Commentary Column. May 5, 2005]”
“It is remarkable how long men will believe in the bottomlessness of a pond without taking the trouble to sound it.”
“Credentials are like potential energy, the compliments of a name on paper, in documents, word of mouth, but faith is like kinetic energy, the motion and the force that which is witnessed. Hence in the end it is the faith rather than the credentials that really takes you places.”
“Given a choice between goose egg and heartache, I would choose heartache.”