“Look forward to failure. Fail quickly. If it does not start with Failure it is probably not meant to be”

“If someone is better than you at something, it is likely that they have failed at it more times than you have.”

“Our success at Amazon is a function of how many experiments we do per year, per month, per week, per day.”

“At least once in your life, something will go terribly wrong, and oh by the way, it will be your fault (or at least seem to be). All the heads will turn to you. This is your defining moment, hold yourself, hold the panic, hold the anger, hold the blames.Accept the situation, remember this as a rule – “shit happens to everyone atleast once in their lifetime” so gather yourself and work to contain the damage, to fix what can be fixed and minimize the impact.Success isn’t never falling it is getting up from a fall and turning things around.”

“It’s impossible to fail if one doesn’t know how the end should look. And it’s impossible to succeed. But it’s possible to enjoy.”

“A life lived well will have failures that outnumber successes, but successes that outweigh the failures.”

“A friend once taught me that we’d all live differently if we could live our lives over, but all we can actually do is try to make amends in the future for the past. That means live the best we can right here, right now.”

“Successful people who don’t know what to do with their recent success get quickly bored with it.”

“Kung alangan ka sa gagawin mo, wag mo nang ituloy, papalpak ka lang.”

“Our obstacles are tough, so are our potentials. If we don’t unleash our potentials, our obstacles will cripple us!”

“If you fail at an attempt, open your eyes to alternate approaches. If you defend your failure, you lose sight of new approaches.”

“New year, new blessing, new grace and new opportunities, never allow the failures of the past to rub you of the blessings in the new year.”

“In my view, he alone wins who does not desire to win, and he who wants to win loses.If someone is desiring and striving to win in life, it means that deep down he is lacking something, that he is suffering from an inferiority complex. Deep down, such a person is aware of the inferiority he is trying to cover through winning. And if, on the other hand, someone is not out to win it means he is already established in his eminence, there is not even a shade of inferiority in him to disprove by resorting to winning.”

“Improvement at anything is based on a thousand of tiny failures, …and the magnitude of your success is based on how many times you’ve failed at something.”

“Sometimes my successes come quickly and at other times they are terribly slow to arrive. It is not my place to determine the speed at which they arrive or if they arrive at all. My place is to keep forging ahead no matter what.”