“The Fourteenth Book is entitled, “What can a Thoughtful Man Hope for Mankind on Earth, Given the Experience of the Past Million Years?” It doesn’t take long to read The Fourteenth Book. It consists of one word and a period. This is it: “Nothing.”

“But you can build a future out of anything. A scrap, a flicker. The desire to go forward, slowly, one foot at a time. You can build an airy city out of ruins.”

“It’s amazing how a little tomorrow can make up for a whole lot of yesterday.”

“Today’s enemies can be your friends tomorrow.And today’s friends can be tomorrow’s enemies.What you reject today, you could accept tomorrow.And what you accept today, you could reject tomorrow.Never say never unless you can predict the future.Unforeseeable circumstances can make a rich man,poor -And a poor man, rich.And unpredictable experiences can also makea good man, bad -And a bad man, good.Like the weather or bonds between lovers,Transformations cannot always be predicted.All energy transmutes one day or another,In one way or another,Either in its form or composition,Or in its position or disposition.Today will always offer new experiences,And tomorrow will always offer new opportunities.But if you heed to yesterday’s lessons,You can shape your present and futureTo be filled with positive relationshipsAnd beautiful blessings.TODAY AND TOMORROW by Suzy KassemTHE SPRING FOR WISDOMCopyright 1993”

“He and his fate walk together, Master and Slave. In which order, only time and action tell.”

“Let not fate tarry on you. Seize it before it carries you.”

“The Dream I Dream For You, My Child…I hope you search for four-leaf clovers,grin back at Cheshire moons,breathe in the springtime breezes,and dance with summer loons.I hope you gaze in wide-eyed wonderat the buzzing fireflyand rest beneath the sunlit treesas butterflies fly by.I hope you gather simple treasuresof pebbles, twigs, and leavesand marvel at the fragile webthe tiny spider weaves.I hope you read poetry and fairy talesand sing silly, made-up songs,and pretend to be a superherorighting this world’s wrongs.I hope your days are filled with magicand your nights with happy dreams,and you grow up knowing that happiness is found in simple things.The dream I dream for you, my child,as you discover, learn, and grow,is that you find these simple joyswherever in life you go.”

“We were full of dreams and it was with impatient hearts that we imagined the joys and adventures life held in store for us.”

“…happiness isn’t something you should take for granted. It should be savored, because you don’t know what tomorrow will bring.”

“Don’t live in the past. Enjoy the present moment and think of future. And happiness will follow you.”

“To abandon the past is to throw away all of the elements that will build my future. And that creates a landfill I can’t afford to fill.”

“Today’s applications will become tomorrow’s implications and complications. So watch your actions, reactions, associations and communications.”

“You have to appreciate where you have come from to know who you are in the present and whom you would like to be in the future.”

“And maybe life isn’t as hard as it seems to beEvery day could be a mess , but darling, you seeOne of the few places you will always find peaceOwes its breeze to the constant chaos in the sea…”