“If you believe our cause so hopeless, why join us?””Because you offered something I had forgotten could be offered, a choice. And I choose to die free.”

“the hope of a better future belongs to us!”

“The thought of only being a creature of the present and the past was troubling. I longed for a future too, with hope in it. The desire to be free, awakened my determination to act, to think , and to speak.”

“The heavenly father knows the future.”

“Sometimes life will not accommodate your fondest hopes. You must let go of these treasured dreams. They were never real. Just let the image of each illusive hope flow away from you like an imaginary leaf on a river of daydreams.”

“The beginning is found in holding hope. Envision it. Envision your desires. Could it be? Could this be your future? Indeed, it can be if only you have the hope. See the truth of your dreams. The only way to begin is with a heart filled with hope for the future.”

“Masa depan datang setiap pagi.”


“The present equipped us for the future.”

“And as the sun sets, I place my hand upon my heart, feel that it is still beating, and remind myself ‘Past performance is not a predictor of future results.”

“To wait means you are constantly straddling two realities – the hoped-for outcome either happening, or not. Yes, or no. Yes, or no. You feel the pull of both possibilities as you wait.”

“What never existed, never started and never ended. If there was no love in what you experienced, there was only an illusion, from which your future reality will gather the necessary tools to build itself for when you arrive. The ones you will be with in that reality are waiting for you and hoping that you persist until you get there.”

“The future, at least, had the advantage of not being the present, and the worse can always take a turn for the better… For, strange though it may seem, she had faith. Composed of fine organic matter, she existed. Pure and simple.”

“If I have faith, what I see as a wall in front of me is in reality a door that will soon be behind me.”

“Allow your choices to reflect your hopes not your fears. Your future depends on it.”