“I have heard all I ever want to hear about the past,” he said; “and I know what I most wanted to know about the future. Everybody says, Midwinter, you have a career before you, and I believe that everybody is right. Who knows what great things may happen before you and I are many years older?”.”Who _need_ know?” said Midwinter, calmly. “Happen what may, God is all-merciful, God is all-wise. In those words your dear old friend once wrote to me. In that faith I can look back without murmuring at the years that are past, and can look on without doubting to the years that are to come.”

“Pray for miracles, but plant cabbages.”

“Failure is the only damn way we learn. Have you failed? Yes. Will you fail more? All the time. And that’s the best thing that can ever happen to you. When you stop failing, you stop learning. And then you’re of no use to anyone.”

“…churches tend to keep on doing things the way they did them a generation ago. Maybe we don’t like to hear exhortations to reexamine our methods because we don’t like being pushed to alter the way we’ve always done things”

“Don’t let your past failure define your future”