All Quotes By Tag: Growth
“When we’re putting up the barriers and the sense of “me” as separate from “you” gets stronger, right there in the midst of difficulty and pain, the whole thing could turn around simply by not erecting barriers; simply by staying open to the difficulty, to the feelings that you’re going through; simply by not talking to ourselves about what’s happening. That is a revolutionary step. Becoming intimate with pain is the key to changing at the core of our being—staying open to everything we experience, letting the sharpness of difficult times pierce us to the heart, letting these times open us, humble us, and make us wiser and more brave. Let difficulty transform you. And it will. In my experience, we just need help in learning how not to run away.”
“All growth is essentially an expansion of awareness.”
“If I see brokenness only as brokenness, I will have broken the opportunity in my brokenness. And that is the greatest brokenness of all.”
“Decisions should be based on a pragmatic approach to find a solution rather than on emotional feelings.”
“Loyalty and honesty are the most important yet often ignored qualities in business. Long term success depends on these qualities.”
“What drives winning? Attitude? Vision? Persistence? Hard work? Discipline? Or is it a combination of above and more.”
“Happiness of employees is important for the health of any business.”
“Persistence to achieve a dream is as important as dreaming to achieve.”
“The ultimate goal is the goal to succeed.”
“I’m not saying that it is necessary, expected or even desirable that we live in that experience of warm-hearted, big-smile love every second of every minute of every day. Life flows, and it’s natural to have a variety of feelings and experiences. However, it supports our own and others’ growth and happiness to be able to feel and act from a place of love at will and when the situation calls for it.”
“If by growing up you mean allowing the adult within me to abandon the child within me, I have no interest in such a horrid proposition. If instead you mean to let each enhance the other at the exclusion of neither, I have every interest.”
“Let go and let in. When we avoid prejudging our sources of information, we become more receptive to what they have to offer. If we come to listening with a blank slate, our environment can write on it what we need to hear. Similarly, if our mental and sensory channels are open, there’s more room to import energy and information.”
“Growth has been a constant part of my life and the getting up and editing out has been the hardest and most important part.”
“This book is about having the courage to stand in the ever-crooked room of black womanhood and summon the magic to set it straight. Even if only for a moment, the act alone heals you just enough for the next tilt of the room.”
“For a long time, I was the girl who believed nothing good would ever come her way. So much so that I could will the negative to come before the good could even make it to my location.”