“This is indeed the nature of worldly life, isn’t it? We anticipate happiness in old age. But in old age we develop severe back pain, which will not let us sit peacefully. That is why people are searching for moksha [ultimate liberation]; once we reach our own place, there will be no problems, right?”

“Rejected from a job interview, dumped by your lover, got low marks in exam, losing on every front of life…Don’t you think these are most common heartbreaking moments of our life?We keep thinking that we don’t have enough happiness in our life, but trust me, happiness is never enough if you keep comparing your downfall with someone’s rising.Live free.”

“People often come to me to ask questions about Eckhart Tolle. If they had read my books they would not need to ask such questions. The contradiction between what their instinct tells them to do in search for answers and what their brain tells them to read is too obvious to be ignored. It is like drinking milk when wanting for water, and asking me why the water tastes like milk. And yet, if the stupid knew they were stupid, they would not be stupid. I respect Eckhart Tolle as a very basic writer. He made people start asking questions that people like me will be answering.”

“The wisest thing to do in order to be happy is to believe & trust in God! Alleluia! Amen!”

“There are moments to be loved in every day, moments to laugh, moments to smile. Every day can be a time for happiness. Find it within you, find it outside of you, happiness can be found if we look for it.”

“Happiness arises from getting what you want, and this comes and goes. Joy arises from being with what is – all of it!”

“It was a moment made of glass, this happiness; it was the easiest thing in the world to break. Every minute was a world, every hour a universe.”

“Ich habe zu viel vom Leben erwartet, ich dachte, es wäre mir Glück und Heiterkeit schuldig. In Wirklichkeit bietet das Leben weder das Gute noch das Böse. Das Glück ist eine Frucht, die man in einer Seele anbaut und erntet. Man kann sie nicht von außen erlangen. Warum sollte ich verdrossen sein wie ein Kind, das kein Geschenk bekommen hat? Ich habe Jahre vor mir, um glücklich zu sein!”

“Well-timed silence has more eloquence than speech.”

“Today I finally recognise the mistake that almost became my downfall: I expected too much out of life. I thought it would owe me happiness and cheerfulness. In fact, life offers neither good nor evil. Happiness is a fruit you cultivate and harvest inside your soul. You can not receive it from the outside. Why should I be fretful like a child that has got no gift? I have years ahead to be happy.”

“The Self is the only thing that is worth knowing. Nothing else in this world is worth knowing. The other things which you have known are all relative and they are destructible. If you have a desire for worldly happiness, then you have to know the destructible religion.  ”

“The happiest person cannot be identified because he has nothing to show for it.”

“The little things that makes you feel better are like the happy sprinkles you add on top of your life.”

“Take and remember the best part of a book like the best part of life!”

“When happiness pours out of your heart, good pours out into the world.”