“When you choose your own way, you lose your happiness”

“We need to spread more seeds and fill this Planet with love to be surrounded by flowers just everywhere! It starts by simply opening up our hearts and hands to one another. It’s in simple things where true Happiness may flourish.”

“The amusements of life, he argued, should be accepted with the same philosophy as its ills. (“The Striding Place”)”

“The kind of happy I was that day at the Vet when “Hawk” Dawson actually doffed his red “C” cap to me, and everyone cheered and practically convulsed into tears – you can’t patent that. It was one shining moment of glory that was instantly gone. Whereas life, real life, is different and can’t even be appraised as simply “happy”, but only in terms of “Yes, I’ll take it all, thanks” or “No, I believe I won’t.” Happy, as my poor father used to say, is a lot of hooey. Happy is a circus clown, a sitcom, a greeting card. Life, though, life’s about something sterner. But also something better. A lot better. Believe me.”

“Human unhappiness is evidence of our immortality.”

“One honest John Tompkins, a hedger & ditcher, Although he was poor, did not want to be richer;For all such vain wishes in him were preventedBy a fortunate habit of being contented.”

“A felicidade nunca é graciosa.Happiness is never gracious.”

“Das Glück ist nicht in den Dingen, die wir besitzen, sondern in den Dingen, die zu besitzen wir glauben.”

“Understand this first and foremost that you are the center of your existence; nobody else is responsible. No matter how burdensome it feels, but you alone are responsible. If you accept this truth all sorrow will soon disappear. Because once it is clear that I am making this game, how long will it take you to destroy it?”

“When you’ve succeeded, you’d say:’Indeed I’d to go through those hell before fit into all of this happiness.”

“Most people are interested in success, but are too busy and distracted by their habituated day to day activities, to be COMMITTED to creating real success in every area of their lives.”

“Happiness must preclude false indulgence and physic.”

“My dear Scipio and Laelius. Men, of course, who have no resources in themselves for securing a good and happy life find every age burdensome. But those who look for all happiness from within can never think anything bad which Nature makes inevitable.”

“It must be nice to be so strong and to think it’s because you’re so good, that you live right and eat right, so you deserve your health and happiness. But there is such a thing as luck, and there’s more bad luck than good in this world.”