“We must seek the inner self, the power within.”

“There is hope in knowing this about postpartum depression: You are not the only one to experience this confining, crazy making inner chaos within yourself.”

“Day or night, good or bad…all things from within.”

“Both friend and enemy reside within us. One lives by the rule of compassion, the other by the rule of hard knocks. Though potential influence of either extreme is inevitable, our actions bear witness to the one we embrace.”

“Es ist viel schwerer, über sich selbst zu richten, als über andere zu urteilen. Wenn du es schaffst, selbst über dich gerecht zu werden, dann bist du ein wahrer Weiser.”

“You solely owe success and happiness to yourself. So why not make your inner-self proud of your daily decisions and actions?”

“Non-judgment quiets the internal dialogue, and this opens once again the doorway to creativity.”

“Deep within, there is something profoundly known, not consciously, but subconsciously. A quiet truth, that is not a version of something, but an original knowing. What this, absolute, truth [identity] is may be none of our business…but it is there, guiding us along the path of greater becoming; a true awareness. It is so self-sustaining that our recognition of it is not required. We are offspring’s of such a powerfully divine force – Creator of all things known and unknown.”

“Spiritually is finding the truth in you.”