All Quotes By Tag: Inspiration
“To die is nothing, but to live with purpose and integrity, that’s something”
“Contrary to what we’ve been told, life is simple. We complicate matters with our choices.”
“YOU are your love of a lifetime.”
“Fueled by my inspiration, I ran across the room to steal the cup of coffee the bookshelf had taken prisoner. Lapping the black watery brew like a hyena, I tossed the empty cup aside. I then returned to the chair to continue my divine act of creation. Hot blood swished in my head as my mighty pen stole across the page.”
“نجد أن الفن الحداثي يزداد ابهاما وتعقيدا حتى اصبح فنا نخبويا رغم ثورته على البرجوازية”
“I make music for ears, not eyes”
“You do it for yourself. You don’t expect to change the world. You don’t even expect to influence your family or your friends. You do it because you can’t not do it and be who you are. Or who you’re meant to be.”
“One doesn’t have to be religious to lead a moral life or attain wisdom.”
“If pain is a pot of boiling water, humor can be the rising steam.”
“Don’t be distracted by criticism. Remember ~ the only taste of success some people have is when they take a bite out of you.”
“Mindfulness helps us get better at seeing the difference between what’s happening and the stories we tell ourselves about what’s happening, stories that get in the way of direct experience. Often such stories treat a fleeting state of mind as if it were our entire and permanent self.”
“Why are there trees I never walk under but large and melodious thoughts descend upon me?”
“… human beings fear the unknown. So, whatever’s freaking you out, grab it by the balls and say hello.”
“Take faith, for example. For many people in our world, the opposite of faith is doubt. The goal, then, within this understanding, is to eliminate doubt. But faith and doubt aren’t opposites. Doubt is often a sign that your faith has a pulse, that it’s alive and well and exploring and searching. Faith and doubt aren’t opposites, they are, it turns out, excellent dance partners.”
“You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control the way you think about all the events. You always have a choice. You can choose to face them with a positive mental attitude.”