“Some people take loyalty way too far. I have boundaries when it comes to loyalty. Yes, I’m loyal, but not to a fault. I cannot and will not compromise myself for other people’s senseless behavior. I have common sense, a great deal of wisdom, and I value my life. Loyalty shouldn’t cost you your integrity, freedom, or your life. Think!”

“The difference between what you expect and what you get is the problem.”

“I have found that when you GENUINELY love what you do, time isn’t a factor. As a matter of fact, time doesn’t even exist.”

“Yes, a person can accept your apology and forgive you for what you’ve said, but they will never forget how you made them feel at that very moment. Words can stick in a person’s mind, heart, and spirit long after the words have been spoken. Don’t be in denial; words have GREAT power. Be wise when you speak!”

“When you try to be someone else, you’re not only neglecting your true self; you’re also sacrificing the potential God has planted within you. The potential to rise to your calling, reach others through your gifts, and make a difference.”

“I came to give you love. I came to give you light. I came to liberate you. Your smiles are my legacy.”

“My mind is for the youth. My heart is for the children. My soul is for the broken. My life is for the world.”

“A true hero loves and protects the people around him. Be a Hero!”

“Never ever doubt yourself or your capabilities. You are born to win! You are born to be a Hero!”

“Mit Gedanken ist es manchmal wie mit dem Nebel an einem See. Sie trüben im ersten Moment unsere Sicht bis sie sich in einem Moment der Stille zuerst in Klarheit verwandeln und dann in Luft auflösen.”

“Faith does not operate on ultimatums of providing pre-markers to convince you to be courageous on pursuing something; all you have are choices, and its up to you to choose where to invest your faith.”