“Our failures are way less likely than our successes to be ignored by our enemies.”

“Jealousy is a serious disease, that reflects who people are when others are achieving great things. It has nothing to say about the person they are hating but has everything to say about who they are. People who injects negativity and expect others to fail so that they can celebrate.”

“Some people are each way more hurt by their worst enemy’s success than they were hurt by their then best friend’s death.”

“If you hold a candle close to you, its flame rises. And if you hold it away from you, its flame shrinks. The same way you hold a candle close to you, keep all your plans, aspirations, projects, and dreams close to you too. Do not share your plans or goals until you complete them, because as you hold your candle away from you — envy, jealousy, and resentment may put out your flame before it grows.”

“It is hard not to envy.So dreadfully hard.Within my sight, within my reach, my senses are bathed in what I wish for, coveting the tiniest taste of what I know is not mine.Turn away.Do not be jealous.It is hard not to envy.”

“Stop worrying about someone taking your spot. God already have it reserved. Do the work to get there and fill it!”

“Beware of those who criticize you when you deserve some praise for an achievement, for it is they who secretly desire to be worshiped.”

“Beware of those who are bitter, for they will never allow you to enjoy your fruit.”

“Whenever you should doubt your self-worth, remember the lotus flower. Even though it plunges to life from beneath the mud, it does not allow the dirt that surrounds it to affect its growth or beauty.”

“When emerging from humble beginnings, those around you tend to underestimate your authenticity because they knew you before you were ‘somebody’.”

“The thermometer of success is merely the jealousy of the malcontents.”

“Some people talk about other people’s failures with so much pleasure that you would swear they are talking about their own successes.”

“There will always be someone willing to hurt you, put you down, gossip about you, belittle your accomplishments and judge your soul. It is a fact that we all must face. However, if you realize that God is a best friend that stands beside you when others cast stones you will never be afraid, never feel worthless and never feel alone.”

“Some of the people who we envy for having something we lack envy us for lacking something they have.”

“It’s more obvious than ever how unfair life is. In the past, your local community was your yardstick. Now your yardstick moves at the speed of light; no matter your situation, you’re just a click away to see someone who’s living utter perfection. Instagram and other media are bursting with highlights. How could you then not feel chronically jealous and unsatisfied?”