“A LuzNo isolamento.Vive a pobre alma,condenada.Conhece o absurdo.Alheia à sua condição,já mais não está.Pois sabe.Para ela tudo é tão claro,como os raios de solque a sua cela penetram,pela janela já vedada.Apesar da intensidadede um amor paternalcom que a sua consciência invademnão a cegam como outrora.Ela sabe que chegará a hora,e que cada um desses fios dourados,transformar-se-à em sombra.Nada é imúne à sombre,e por infortúnio digo: sou nada.”

“For lack of knowledge of the Holy One, we perish in sin of hell.”

“The people of the light, loves the light of knowledge.”

“But I have believed always and taught always that what God demands from man is his utmost effort to cooperate and understand. I have taught the imagination, first and most; I have made knowledge, knowledge of what man is and what man’s world is and what man may be, which is the adventure of mankind, the substance of all my teaching.”

“Without the knowledge of God ,we perish.”

“Is there any knowledge that refreshes the soul, renew the spirit, and restored the body like the study of the Holy Scriptures?”

“On a basic level- everything we say- essentially anything that comes out of our mouths is a rationalisation in some form or another”

“An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbour: but through knowledge shall the just be delivered.”

“Without the knowledge of God, we are in complete darkness.”

“But of all the deadly theories by means of which you are now being destroyed, I would like to warn you about one of the deadliest and most crucial: the alleged dichotomy of science and ethics. It is the doctrine that man’s science and ethics – or his knowledge and values, or his body and soul – are two separate, antagonistic aspects of his existence, and that man is caught between them, as a precarious, permanent traitor to their conflicting demands.”

“There were times he thought it would have been far better to never have known. Yet he continued to return to his core principle: that, in every situation, knowledge was better than ignorance. However agonizing, it was necessary to confront the facts. Only through knowing could a person become strong.”

“A philosopher’s main task is to compulsively filibuster”

“Choosing comfort over knowledge is a sign of a weak mind..”