All Quotes By Tag: Knowledge
“Worthlessness frequently nullifies humility, because people who feel unworthy generally don’t do anything that leads them to be modest about.”
“I realize that in giving birth, managing a household, raising a child, and composting potato peels in a city, I have learned some things about wildness that even Thoreau could not have known.”
“Mankind is fallible, so we should not rely on our own reasoning. We cannot hope to understand the world – all we can do is stand amazed at God’s creation. True knowledge only comes from revelation. We should not question received wisdom.”
“Love, devotion and all such ways are above the worldly knowledge. In that sense, the devil has great knowledge of the universe and the spiritual world, but he cannot win the best minds in the power of love and devotion.”
“Yes, surprising, isn’t it?” he said. . . . “You’d think everyone would ask for what they want and there’d be hundreds of tailors catering to specification. But most people don’t know what they want.”
“He who said ‘ignorance is bliss’ didn’t know how much light knowledge holds. The darkness of his cocoon could be too oppressive to emerge.”
“Knowledge makes a man proud. Love makes him Humble. When knowledge is blended with love, man shines as do the angels of God. “His life becomes radiant.”
“Knowledge without action is empty as a shadow.”
“Knowledge is the most stressfull aspect about life.”
“Animals understand man more than what man thinks.”
“The key is to keep asking, keep probing, keep drilling down. If you activate your natural curiosity, every answer you get may generate new questions, and then new answers, followed by more questions, and so on, in an ever-rising ladder of understanding.”
“Don’t make listening a chore. It doesn’t have to be hard work. Make it fun. Make it a game. Make it a treasure hunt. What could be more interesting than discovering new things and increasing our powers of perception? Listening is a never-ending journey along an ever-improving road.”
“The world is a collection of amazing amount of data but with no meaning to them. The human mind, aroused by an insistence for meaning, seeks and finds nothing but contradiction and nonsense. The more one puts himself to wisdom the more sorrows he attains too. Sorrows are the unasked compliments that come along with true wisdom.”
“Real education opens up the mind to the vast world of possibilities and potential.”
“Think not I say these things in order that you may say the one to the other, “He praised us well. He saw but the good in us.”I only speak to you in words of that which you yourselves know in thought.And what is word knowledge but a shadow of wordless knowledge?Your thoughts and my words are waves from a sealed memory that keeps records of our yesterdays,And of the ancient days when the earth knew not us nor herself,And of nights when earth was upwrought with confusion,Wise men have come to you to give you of their wisdom. I came to take of your wisdom.”